than discussion on Spurs. We Lin fans love Spurs too. They are the gold standard of baskball. Lin just happens to be our favorite player for reasons not just basketball.
Basketball wise, Lin is right on track to be one of the great PGs. He is equal or better than Nash, Kidd and Stockton in their early career. All fans understand that Lin needs to improve on many aspect of his games. He is not a finished product.
Could you please tell me how many players dropped 38 pts on Spurs and Lakers ever?
If Lin is the 1st option on anyteam, his score will be way high. By the way, Lin did great last season under Woodson as well, not just 7 games stretch.
What is so wrong about cheer and show emotions as fans?
Basketball game is just a game. Have fun is all that matters.
Bring some good discussion on Spurs so we all can enjoy and have fun.