昨天1/30/13Rockets vs Nuggets小林的幾個Highligts

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Jeremy Lin Highlights vs Nuggests January 30, 2013

Rockets vs Nuggets | Lin + Team Highlights (1-30-2013)

Jeremy Lin 林書豪 2013 01 30火箭vs金塊 Houston Rockets vs Denver Nuggets

HD Jeremy Lin 2013 01 30 Houston Rockets vs Denver Nuggets

Jeremy Lin highlights vs Nuggets || Jan 30, 2013 || HD ||

Houston Rockets vs. Denver Nuggets - Jeremy Lin leading Scorer for Houston

Game #48 2012-13: Jeremy Lin & Houston Rockets Lose To Denver Nuggets

NBA: Houston Rockets Vs Denver Nuggets | 30 January 2013 | Full Highlights


Comments from FANS:

Jeremy Lin played 31 min's, 22 points (FGM-A 8-15, FTM-A 5-8), 5 assists, 1 rebound, 1 steal.
- "i just don't understand like i am not even a houston fan. why is harden running the point when lin did such a good job ? why isnt asik in when hes rebounding so well vs the manimal ? why did TD stay in so late after he provided the spark and the offense started to stagnate ?"

- "I feel like the way McHale runs his offense and substitution patterns he has something against Lin. No idea what it is, but he clearly doesn't put him in the best position to succeed. Odd considering he's one of the "Big 3" cornerstone of the Rockets rebuilding effort. Lin also has a very short leash completely contrary to Linsanity where he was given freedom to create, take midrange shots, set up teammates. He's way too often a corner spotup shooter or ball swinger."

- "every. *******. time.
Whenever Lin gets the go ahead to do what he does best suddenly the Rockets do well.

If we blow a lead McHale is like OH DON'T WORRY. Then when it's essentially garbage time Lin goes in and gets free reign and suddenly closes the point gap.

Happened tonight, happened in Dallas, happened pretty much every ******* time the Rockets lost. Lin is out at the most crucial times."

- "It's clear to me that McHale doesn't see Lin in a positive light. That has to be the only reason why Lin continues to be marginalized this way. He has the blinders on and just can't see what the rest of us see. No matter what Lin does, he just sees the negatives. Tonight was a winnable game. This criticism has nothing to do with harden. If more responsibility is given to Lin as the primary ballhandler/ facilitator, this team will do well without hurting harden's play king abilities. The rockets need a coach who believes in their key players. If McHale has not seen the light by now, I don't think he ever will."

- "One word: McHale"

- "McFail."

- "Tosses Lin back in after a huge lead and momentum is given to the opposing team. McHale either wants Lin to improve his clutch or just wants to throw him to the sharks."

- "Yeah Mchale takes lin out at the most random times and then puts him back in at even worse times"

- "Hey crazy things are happening when Lin gets put in. Rockets are scoring. What a coincidence."

- "Oh look, we finally have an offense w/ Lin in the game and we can protect the rim and grab rebounds with Asik in the game?? WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT??

**** YOU, MCHALE."

- "man this game just got much more hopeful as soon as lin came back in"

- "I really wonder what Morey and Les think of McHale inexplicably sitting Lin favor of Toney. Even the Denver guys acknowledged how Lin was tearing up their defense. WTH was McHake thinking?"

- "I'll gladly take Lin's TOs and blocked attempts as long as he's being aggressive."
- "Mchale say no :("
- "I'll reply with a relevant little poem:

Throw the coach down the well

So my player can be free
-Carl Herrera"

- "We lost all the momentum while Lin was sitting. This is on McHale."

- Rockets would have won had they McHale not benched Lin for an extended period of time from midway through the 3rd quarter to early 4th quarter. What a joke. Douglas sucks.

- We had a great run with Lin and McHale takes him out for no reason and our lead starts to drop. He gets subbed back in near the end and what do you know, we start to ease the deficit.


林書豪點破火箭遭逆轉原因-稱失誤拖累了球隊 -newrocket- 給 newrocket 發送悄悄話 (2622 bytes) () 01/31/2013 postreply 05:21:16

本賽季火箭掘金總比分0-3,主帥頗為惱火,但從不承擔責任 -plateau- 給 plateau 發送悄悄話 plateau 的博客首頁 (898 bytes) () 01/31/2013 postreply 05:41:44

Cool! Will watch it later -seanz8- 給 seanz8 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/31/2013 postreply 08:35:39



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