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林書豪基金會即將成立 個人紀錄片展映感動太多人
2013-01-23 11:51:57   來源:休斯頓華夏時報

據休斯敦當地媒體報道,林書豪基金會(The Jeremy Lin Foundation)將於2月14日正式成立。林書豪基金會專注於對弱勢的群體或者個人伸出雙手,向他們提供經濟,教育,和信仰方麵的幫助,並且改變他 們的長久生活。目前主要是在向美國的亞裔群體提供幫助。

去年感恩節期間,NBA華裔球員林書豪來曾以"林書豪基金會" (TheJeremyLinFound ation)的名義,為100個貧困家庭的兒童,送上火雞大餐和家用品,讓他們歡度感恩節。林書豪表示,自己很高興參加這類活動,特別是在節日前夕能為這 些家庭提供一點點幫助,內心感到非常充實和快樂。

據報道,一部反映林書豪籃球成長過程的紀錄片於美國當地時間1月17日至27日在猶他州 的獨立製片日舞影展播映。這個林書豪的個人紀錄片《Linsanity》由華裔基督徒導演梁伊凡(Evan Leong)執導,片長88分鍾,從林書豪投身NBA開始拍起,記錄從板凳球員到一夕成名,刮起全球的“林瘋狂”。報道說,一開始提出要拍紀錄片的構想, 林書豪不斷拒絕,後來這位華裔基督徒導演用誠意打動,林書豪才答應拍攝。這部電影記錄林書豪成名之前與之後所有心路曆程,梁伊凡曾經為林書豪拍攝錄影多 年,當林書豪還在金州勇士時,就曾為他製作《林的一 天》視頻係列,“林瘋狂”狂刮紐約,甚至連美國總統歐巴馬都為之讚歎,其實,林書豪隻是個平凡的NBA球員,默默無聞到連紐約尼克斯隊球場警衛都認不出 來,而將他擋在球場之外。即使這樣,林書豪也沒有就此放棄自己熱愛的籃球,究竟是機會還是巧合演繹了這段瘋狂的旅程,當林書豪永不放棄的精神感動著這個時 代的人們。

最近火箭的七連敗,林書豪的低迷,使得媒體眾說紛紜,但並沒有影響“豪迷”對他的愛戴, 他們愛林,也愛林的這隻球隊。(就像我和其他在這裏的真林迷一樣!!!)北京時間22日當火箭客場戰勝山貓時,有位名叫陳曉琳的“豪迷”就說到:今天Jeremy是有些小低迷,所以上場時間短了 些,但,這不是世界末日。任何人都有低潮,湖人敗給公牛,連叱吒球場多年的Kobe也承認手感不佳,三分球六投盡墨,認為自己要做修正。之前道格(托尼- 道格拉斯)替補低潮的林(林書豪)時,道格上場時間偶爾還多過林,但先發仍一直是林,沒有改變。在客場,林人氣高,掌聲多,大家就是衝著他而來。所以,即 使是新人小貝(貝弗利)也不可能成為先發。帕生(帕森斯)之前三分球低迷,怎麽投都不進!曾被冰箱(火箭主帥凱文-麥克海爾)冰第四節,如今,他手感也回 來了,上場時間自然多了起來,不是嗎?Jeremy是一個不輕易低頭認輸的人,有小貝競爭上的刺激,對林也有好的影響。林那麽聰明,他會不知道自己要提升 競爭力嗎?至於今天贏球,我替火箭開心,因為林和全隊終獲喘息,排名也回到第八。林曾說:"我不希望大家看不到我們的球隊,因為沒有球隊,我什麽都不 是。"所以,隻要是林所屬的球隊,我都支持,我也希望他們贏。總之,希望大家能以正麵心態,看待每一次的比賽!林會愈來愈進步的!



Jeremy Lin to attend Sundance Film Festival

Linsane! Jeremy Lin will bring himself, some Rocket teammates and "Linsanity" to the Sundance Film Festival on Sunday.

"Linsanity" is officially coming to the Sundance Film Festival.

Houston Rockets basketball star Jeremy Lin, the subject of the documentary Linsanity, will appear in person on Jan. 27, the festival's final day.

"I'm excited for Jeremy that he will be able to experience his Sundance premiere after all," says director Evan Jackson Leong. "I'm thrilled I'll be able to watch the finished film with my film's subject."

Linsanity focuses on the worldwide effect the 6-foot-3 Asian-American point guard had when he came off the bench for the New York Knicks in February, 2012 and led the once-losing team on a 9-3 streak with prolific scoring and game-winning shots. His performance created a frenzy known as "Linsanity" that spread worldwide, given that he was the first American of Chinese or Taiwanese descent to play in the NBA.

At the end of that season, Lin, then 23 years old, left the Knicks to join the Rockets.

Leong has filmed Lin since he was a stand-out guard at Harvard University and during a period where the undrafted player struggled to find a role in the NBA. The documentary cameras were rolling behind the scenes during Lin's quick rise to international basketball hero.

Lin is able to attend the festival since the Rockets play the Utah Jazz on Jan. 28 and have the Sunday off for travel.

Winston Emano, a press representative for the film, says some of Lin's Rocket teammates will join him for the screening, which takes place in Salt Lake City.

Linsanity premiered last week at a sold-out screening that drew fans from as far away as Hawaii.

Sundance loves ‘Linsanity’

“Linsanity,” the documentary about NBA sensation Jeremy Lin, has impressed reviewers during its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah.

<em>Jeremy Lin in action on the basketball court earlier this season. (Associated Press)</em>

Jeremy Lin in action on the basketball court earlier this season. (Associated Press)

“The Hollywood Reporter” called “Linsanity,” which was co-produced by “Hawaii Five-0” regular Brian Yang and narrated by “Five-0” star Daniel Dae Kim, “a sports doc with abundant heart.” It premiered Sunday, the first of four screenings.

It was just a year ago that Lin exploded onto the national consciousness while playing for the New York Knicks. He had been told his whole life he wasn’t good enough to play professional basketball, but when he got a chance, he led the Knicks on a seven-game streak that electrified fans.

In his review in The Hollywood Reporter, Justin Lowe wrote: “Recapturing the joy Lin experiences while excelling on the court in that incomparable season — as fans at first discovered, then promoted and finally celebrated his accomplishments — Linsanity reaffirms that the best sports stories originate with dimensional, relatable subjects who earn respect and admiration through their personal struggles and triumphs.”

Steve Zeitchik of The L.A. Times called it “one of the most crowd-pleasing documentaries to play the festival this year.”



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