
來源: toosad 2013-01-21 21:31:14 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3412 bytes)
回答: JP2123在JeremyLin.點net, today 4:03pmtoosad2013-01-21 21:27:11

@wilc yeah it was pretty disappointing. But it was nice to see him live. I remember watching the Knicks game home and it was so much fun watching Lin do his thing. I don't recall ONE smile from any of the Rockets players. Certainly not Lin. It didn't seem they were having fun playing. On the other hand, the bobcats were.

@Racha Honestly the two that surprised me more were Parsons and Lin and a little bit Harden. Parsons is a lot taller than he looks on tv. Jeremy Lin looks a bit taller than I thought and stronger physically too.

@Tim Pham Honestly I found that weird. They barely talk, it doesn't seem they are in sync or trust each other much. The would say something to each other sometimes when someone was at the foul line. Lin became outspoken in the third. Like I said. He was getting into the game, telling some players what to do etc...

@eb5attorney That's why I said that making sense out of the Rocket's coaching staff is like making sense out of chaos. There isn't. Beverly is ok. Nothing really special. He def though brings energy cause he is always hustling but I thought Douglas used to do the same too so... it makes no sense to do that.

Feel free to keep asking questions as I finish uploading a couple of videos.

There is one coach that seems at least a lot more supportive than McHale or Sampson in there but I don't know who it is.

BTW here is a picture of halftime shoot around while the little videos come in a couple of minutes.


@alcsd Honestly in the game I was paying more attention to Sampson and McHale but i'm talking about JB.

BTW Here are a couple of Videos!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOmGACDACHA (Halftime shootaround)

Yeah Racha. I was planning on recording many videos but thats pretty much all that happened with Lin in the game.

Btw he mostly was practicing free throws then mid
Jumper and at the end he shot like 5 threes from same place. He made like 2 and missed three.
Like I said in my analysis. He looks deflated, about this whole situation and you could see it in his eyes.


Honestly the only player I saw talking to Lin was Douglas. And we all know Parsons and Lin are good friends. Smith wasnt jn the game today but it seems that he too is friends with Lin. Other than that, I didnt see anything that would say otherwise. 



如果這位球迷的觀察有點靠譜的話 -toosad- 給 toosad 發送悄悄話 (849 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 03:37:03

桑普森為啥要這樣折磨小林??~~~小林難道就這樣忍氣吞聲了嗎?俺不服!!!!!!!!!!!! -oldpp- 給 oldpp 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 06:44:30

去,單挑桑普森??!! 俺冷眼觀螃蟹,看你橫行得幾時! -nymoon2008- 給 nymoon2008 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 07:20:51

要去一起去!你撕咬俺鞭打,讓他滿地打滾,號啕大哭。 -oldpp- 給 oldpp 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 07:25:45

你果然厲害,你去撕咬單挑桑普森,俺鞭打麥克海爾. -nymoon2008- 給 nymoon2008 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 07:32:00

算了,看起來俺們都推三阻四的,還是在這裏過過嘴癮吧,哈哈哈。 -oldpp- 給 oldpp 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 07:36:40

7, 偽球迷! -nymoon2008- 給 nymoon2008 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 07:45:48

12 個人的教練沒錯,但不合理利用隊員所長可就是問題了。 -月下賞雪- 給 月下賞雪 發送悄悄話 月下賞雪 的博客首頁 (72 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 08:17:21

立足於現在吧 -月下賞雪- 給 月下賞雪 發送悄悄話 月下賞雪 的博客首頁 (219 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 08:59:44

小林的投籃命中率是他無法回避的一個問題,對頭,但關鍵是現在不大可能提高那麽快 -月下賞雪- 給 月下賞雪 發送悄悄話 月下賞雪 的博客首頁 (192 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 09:38:12

nothing to do w/ Lin, but -Smart- 給 Smart 發送悄悄話 (158 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 09:42:32

這倒是,我也納悶到底發生了什麽 -月下賞雪- 給 月下賞雪 發送悄悄話 月下賞雪 的博客首頁 (56 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 09:48:37

回複:nothing to do w/ Lin, but -toosad- 給 toosad 發送悄悄話 (363 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 10:05:02

你說板凳吧,雖然隻是個板凳,評起球來還是有些DEPTH的,但 -月下賞雪- 給 月下賞雪 發送悄悄話 月下賞雪 的博客首頁 (231 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 10:02:16

他根本都不看球,隻看紙麵就高瞻遠矚下結論。我們注意的是細節,林成長的細節 -toosad- 給 toosad 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 10:08:04

你看馬刺,你就知道除掉馬刺隊員的水平,那波波就知道怎麽利用隊員所長,補其所短 -月下賞雪- 給 月下賞雪 發送悄悄話 月下賞雪 的博客首頁 (75 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 10:24:28

這就是區別,波波愛兵如子,可冰箱賣兵求榮---他很多時候,球員打不好了,他就把他們賣了 -月下賞雪- 給 月下賞雪 發送悄悄話 月下賞雪 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 11:01:27

除了一個哈登他不敢惹,而且,他很少給林CREDIT HE deserves,even after the battle with -月下賞雪- 給 月下賞雪 發送悄悄話 月下賞雪 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 11:04:30

對呀,我們看到的是The WHOLE PICTURE,the dynamic, -月下賞雪- 給 月下賞雪 發送悄悄話 月下賞雪 的博客首頁 (103 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 10:18:05

嘴硬的,推卸責任的,挨挨罵,推媽們也沒過 -月下賞雪- 給 月下賞雪 發送悄悄話 月下賞雪 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/22/2013 postreply 10:26:28



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