try again

來源: toosad 2013-01-21 21:23:14 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (7372 bytes)


Sorry guys that was just to catch your attention. I know it might not mean much to be in a game but I was sitting behind the basket like 4 rows in (cheap tickets) and I was able to see a lot of things you can't see in TV or unless you are close enough. This might be a wall of text but I hope you guys find it informative. I will also add links to a couple of videos I took including a fast break led by Lin and his long 2 point shot later.

Analysis: I know many of you are disappointed at Lin's performance tonight, but probably not more than me that actually paid to be dissapointed. However, I went not expecting Lin to play great but to be able to see him live and analysis what was happening by looking for things that normally I wouldn't be looking at.

Beginning of the game: As the game began the first thing I noticed was Lin's style of play. I'm not exaggerating when I say that Lin's job was just to pass the half court line and pass it to someone else. Yes! That was all he looked to do. He would be searching the court (looking around) for whom to give the ball to. And I don't mean like, who to pass the ball to and make a play, but someone to GIVE the ball to for them to make a play. I know many of you blame Lin himself for this, that he should be more aggressive etc… But I will defer with that conclusion. I don't think it's Lin's fault completly. Let me explain.

In the third quarter, even though Lin wasn't controlling the offense completely, he looked,seemed and was much more active in everything. He got outspoken and began giving orders to different players like Asik and Morris etc… He was getting back in the game, but in a shooting foul play Sampson called Lin and began to talk to him. As he was talking Lin replied back while Sampson began walking away and said something at the end. Lin turned around and had this "whatever," look. Not a "whatever" as in I don't care. But more like, "You guys don't let me do anything, whatever look." Needless to say he was benched for the whole fourth quarter. I'm not saying it was because of that because Sampson didn't see that but still he was benched the whole fourth quarter.

One thing I want to point out. Maybe you are thinking, "Why you say Sampson, don't you mean McHale"? Well, no. I meant Sampson. There was one instance when I thought to myself, "Wait, who is the coach"? Because half the time Sampson was the one standing up and walking around and talking to the guys while McHale was sitting down. It seemed that Sampson was as, even more involved that McHale was. I don't know much about coaches and assistant coaches but it seemed really weird. Does that happen often? I sure haven't seen it.

One side comment. Beverly is ok, he is not really good, or great or anything like that. Which still is mind boggling why they will sit not only Lin but Douglas in the bench. I don't see anything that makes Beverly better than Douglas and of course not Lin. Yes he made a 3 in the fourth but he also missed the next one. My cousin said when Beverly made the three, "That's why your boy is in the bench." Later on when he missed I was like, "You see, he is not that good. Yeah he made that one shot but it's not like he is good or really good to bench Lin and Douglas." And I realized something. To try to make sense out of Rockets coaching staff is trying to make sense out of chaos. It just doesn't. The only thing that you will know for sure is that Harden is going to be there no matter what. Which leads me to my next point.

Unfairness: As the season went by I started to defend McHale and the coaching staff. I thought some people were overacting. But as I watched the game there was something clear as day. At the beginning of the game, Harden had 3 blocked shots, like 3 turnovers on top of that and he wasn't making a basket. So what happens? Well, obviously you keep Harden on, duh! But what if is Lin? Well, if Lin get's blocked twice… you take him out, duh! Of course, this is not the main issue. The main issue is the coaches expression. When Harden forced a charge when he had an open man in the left corner the coaching staff starts clapping. When Lin was aggressive and something bad happened the reactions were totally different. More like when you think someone is bad at the game so you don't want him to do much because you don't trust him. And then he makes a mistake and you shake your head thinking, "why didn't he pass it to the other guy…"? Well, that was their expression when Lin made a mistake. Needless to say, Lin doesn't get the same treatment that Harden does. AT ALL! Lin is like that kid that you need to play with because you are missing one player but you really don't want to play with him. That's Lin to the coaching staff. And if there is anything that upsets me about the Rockets is this exactly. They don't believe in Lin and today as proof of that. Not because he was benched in the fourth. But, because of the coaching staff reactions against Lin's plays.

Other points: Douglas approached Lin in the halftime shoot around and talked about something that seemed meaningful and serious. It seems they are friends to me or at least have a good teammate relationship. Every time there was a time out, Beverly would be the first and sometimes only Rocket that would go to the court to high five teammates. (The other players would wait for them to get to the bench).

Main point: Lin's confidence is in the floor. When you see Lin "lost." He is not lost. He just doesn't know what to do in this team. Doesn't know why the brought him here, or if they even want him to play his style of basketball. Seems to me Lin is fed up with this, "stand in the 3 point line role." And not fed up as in, "I'm mad and I will prove you wrong." More like, "What's the point…."? I think he cares about his team, but feels unappreciated, that he can't do anything.

As the third quarter developed you could see it in Lin's face that he wanted it. And it was so upsetting to see him being benched for no reason because he was actually playing good in the third quarter. Which I wonder if they are doing this to trade Beverly or something. Maybe no one wanted Douglas because of the Knicks. But, maybe if Beverly gets more minutes they can get someone interested and trade him. Oh well it doesn't matter.

As I see it, Lin won't be Linsanity this year. This is the way the coaching staff has set it up. And that 7 game winning streak was an anomaly. The way that they used Lin at the beginning, and are using him now is going to stay unless one of two things happen. Rocket's owner gets involved and demands change. Or a coaching staff replacement. I hope you guys enjoyed my analysis. It was really disappointing to see what I saw. And I just hope something changes soon because this coaching staff CAN ruin Lin's NBA career.

Oh and by the way. Rockets didn't win this game. Bobcats lost it.


Interesting observation -seanz8- 給 seanz8 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/21/2013 postreply 22:47:19



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