's Chad Ford was asked Wednesday during his chat if he thinks theMinnesota Timberwolves will trade Kevin Love.

Ford responded: "Probably not. He's so good, the Wolves want to make a major splash in the playoffs and they couldn't get equal value in return. However, it's probably in their best interest to trade him now. He wants out and will likely bolt the team when he can opt out of his contract. The longer the Wolves wait, the harder it is for them to get value in return. That's been proven over and over again in the NBA."

Love is frustrated this season as his field goal percentage is just 35.4. He also vented a few weeks ago about how felt disrespected by team management during his contract negotiations last January and after he suffered a hand injury at the beginning of this season.

Ford is likely right that Love will opt for free agency in 2015 and leave the Wolves if they have not traded him prior to that point.

-- Nick Borges