Jeremy Lin 的優點和缺點

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先聲明,我從LIN在哈佛大四開始關注他,竊以為他的選秀位置應該是第二輪中間。當初他played in Maverick’s Summer League. 如果Maverick簽了他,是他當初最好的機會,因為Lin在NBA的位置隻能是組織後衛。在Jason Kidd手下,他能學到的最多,包括防守(Kidd的防守在組織後衛中是絕對一流)。Carlisle也會給他一定機會,尤其是在Beaubois受傷的情況下。簽約Warriors是根本沒前途。Warriors是瞎打一氣,前兩年的教練也不會采用Lin最擅長的pick and roll.


1. -->他有能力整合隊友到一個流暢的進攻體係中。這種能力可以提高,但更確切地說是種天分。或者有,或者沒有。沒有的人在努力也隻能是很一般的水平。

2. -->籃球IQ高。視野開闊。知道隊友最舒服的投籃位置和方式。

3. -->對pick and roll的理解非常好。在操作中能時刻保持運球狀態。

4. -->在組織後衛中,屬於上籃能力比較強的,尤其是方式較多。

5. -->心理超佳。關鍵時候表現更好。

6. -->中遠投不錯。動作有缺陷,但在壓力下能保持不變形。

7. -->身高,體重,速度,在組織後衛中位於中等,除了個別體質極強的組織後衛(Rose, Westbrook),一對一沒有明顯劣勢。


1. -->護球。在側身護球時,球離身體過近。在大學可以。麵對身高臂長的NBA球員時易被偷。

2. -->傳球。有些傳球在大學可以,在NBA會被截,因為球員更高更快更長。這個需要有段時間適應,容易提高。 (Rubio is experiencing the same now.)

3. -->護球. 進攻上藍時,手臂護球不夠,並且有時球離身過遠,容易被強行斷下。 (多看Manu的上藍錄像學習。)

4. -->有時過於強行上籃,尤其時籃下人滿為患時。一是易被強行斷下。二是投出去的球命中率不高。(Be smart. Lin has the basketball IQ to improve this.)

5. -->防守。一對一防守不錯。換位防守和整體防守時易漏人,有時象無頭蒼蠅.(Knicks 不是非常注重防守。要是在Spurs,Mavericks,Bulls,Lin會被教練罵死,或直接換下場。)

6. -->罰籃。作為後衛需要提高。


如果繼續提高,能達到Tony Parker的總體能力是我個人能估計的最好前景。達到Kidd,Paul,Nash,Rose的總體能力是美好願望而已。



- 現役組織後衛中,Chris Paul, Kidd, Nash, and Rubio are the best.

Paul is the best point guard considering all the factors.

Kidd and Nash are legendary. They are old now, though. They might retire in one or two years.

Rubio is an essentially a rookie, like Lin, and is still adjusting NBA games.

Jin is currently a little below Deron Williams and Rose. He is in the same category with Tony Parker, Rondo. I think he is a little better than John Wall. Westbrook is a great guard, but he is not very good in these three abilities. Westbrook is more of a combo guard.


Rose and Westbrook are the best. They are freakishly athletic.

Tony Parker is fast and very crafty to attack the basket. His tear-drop is the best among all the guards.

Deron Williams is the most versatile in offense. He does everything in a high level, although unfortunately, he is not the best in any single category.

Paul can go anywhere if he wants, including the basket. He doesn’t incline to attack the basket much, though.


Jason Kidd is the best point guard after Magic Johnson and Stockton. He is also the best in rebounding and defense among point guards. He is always at the right position, both in offense and in defense. His shortcoming is his streaky shooting.

Nash is the best point guard in executing run-and-gun. If you are open in your most comfort position, Nash would get the ball to your hands. He keeps dribbling, pick and roll, and penetrating to tear holes in the defense. He is one of the best shooters in the history. Nash’s shortcoming is his defense.

Paul is as good as any point guard in the history in running offense. He is already the best point guard after Kidd. He is an excellent 2-point shooter as well. Paul’s 3-pointer is ok.

Deron Williams, as said above, is the most versatile in offense. He does everything in a high level, although unfortunately, he is not the best in any single category. Deron is very strong physically.

Rose is a unique point guard. He can run offense very well and get teammates involved. He would be in top 5 if we only talk about pure point guard skills. His attacking ability is so exceptional that it is a pity that he doesn’t show it to the audience. Bulls need his scoring badly. So in Bulls games, Rose keeps switching between the two roles. Rose and Paul have the most influence to their respective team.

- - -->Westbrook is capable of attacking and scoring as Rose. He is even better in rebounding. But his ability to run team offense is so-so. It is an agony to watch that he went hot-headed, had very bad shot selections, while ignoring Kevin Duant, his teammate and the best scorer in the league.

Rondo is a very good point guard. He runs offense well. His defense is exceptional. He can’t shoot, though. He shoots balls like bricks at NBA’s standard.

- - -->Tony Parker, as a pure point guard, is good, but not impressive. He excels in executing Pop’s system very well. He is very fast and knows how to get to the basket. His tear-drops is a beauty. I believe he is No.1 among point guards in term of scoring in the paint.

- - -->Jose Calderon. A pure point guard. His strength is that he doesn’t turn over. On the other hand, he is not much a scorer. He is not aggressive and doesn’t look very devoted. Otherwise, he could be much better than he is.

John Wall. He is in a very bad team, under bad coaches. It seems that hurts him a lot, since he looks lost, not as good as he looked when he was drafted.

Andrew Miller. A traditional point guard. He has exceptional point guard skills. He is the only point guard after Mark Jackson (the current Warriors coach) who likes and is able to attack with his back to the basket. His shooting is acceptable for a point guard. He has the abilities to one of the top point guards. It looks he is not very devoted. He doesn’t look like he cares.

Ty Lawson. He might be the fastest player in the league. He is short. Otherwise he would be a very good combo guard. He can run an offense. He is better at attacking than running a team, though.

Stephen Curry. If he were taller and stronger, he would have been a top 5 shooting guard in the league. An exceptional shooter. He transforms into a point guard very well, though. He is a very good point good. Unfortunately, he was drafted by a team with the worst offense system and he has to play with Monta Ellis. Hopefully, Mark Jackson will change the team. Curry, David Lee, and their starting center could play pick-and-roll very well.

Raymond Felton. Another North Carolina guard who is better at attacking by himself than running an offense. I like Ty Lawson better than Felton, since Ty Lawson is more controlled.


very good summary, did a lot of home work -萬綠叢中- 給 萬綠叢中 發送悄悄話 萬綠叢中 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 00:17:22

主要缺點是帶球, 其它的容易練或次要 -haobuhao- 給 haobuhao 發送悄悄話 haobuhao 的博客首頁 (335 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 01:43:21

他步法應該還可以,但手法不行,控球沒有到玩家的地步,估計也很難練出來了。 -還是沒筆名- 給 還是沒筆名 發送悄悄話 還是沒筆名 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 05:40:13

老亞手小吃虧。姚明、王治郅都這樣。身板 -- 給 過 發送悄悄話 過 的博客首頁 (88 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 05:52:49

沒錯。當初巴特爾到NBA開始人家很羨慕他的身材,可記者叫他照相擺姿勢,才發現他居然一隻手抓不起籃球。 -還是沒筆名- 給 還是沒筆名 發送悄悄話 還是沒筆名 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 06:35:01

回複:Jeremy Lin 的優點和缺點 -- 給 過 發送悄悄話 過 的博客首頁 (144 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 05:48:01

好貼要頂,另外覺得林的左手相對虛弱,他可以從左邊突破,但是幾乎不用左手, -blueVelvet- 給 blueVelvet 發送悄悄話 blueVelvet 的博客首頁 (55 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 06:18:52

很中肯.對新球迷是很好的知識普及. -kai_xin- 給 kai_xin 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 06:34:58

奇怪,我打開這個主帖,怎麽什麽也看不到?? -JieHu-- 給 JieHu- 發送悄悄話 JieHu- 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 06:41:34

RPWT -blueVelvet- 給 blueVelvet 發送悄悄話 blueVelvet 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 06:43:33

???? -JieHu-- 給 JieHu- 發送悄悄話 JieHu- 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 06:44:53

人品問題,嗬嗬 -blueVelvet- 給 blueVelvet 發送悄悄話 blueVelvet 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 06:49:02

額地神啊,這互聯網也太猛了,連俺人品不咋地都看出來了 -JieHu-- 給 JieHu- 發送悄悄話 JieHu- 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 06:50:52

你是不是給公司IT盯上了?:))) -kai_xin- 給 kai_xin 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 06:58:06

thanks for sharing your knowledge. very helpful. -by水滴- 給 by水滴 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 07:37:29

Very well written. Spot on analysis and sharp observation. -Warsteiner- 給 Warsteiner 發送悄悄話 Warsteiner 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 07:58:10

強頂 -i751- 給 i751 發送悄悄話 i751 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 08:04:46

其本同意, good work. 嚴重同意這點 : 心理超佳,關鍵時候表現更好。但 -talkatwxc- 給 talkatwxc 發送悄悄話 (541 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 08:12:18

紅燒大排。防守的問題應該有輪換防守來解決,NASH也有同樣的問題,遇到高大控衛常常是他被詬病的地方。 -艾小米2011- 給 艾小米2011 發送悄悄話 (307 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 08:43:31



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