
回答: u probably do not know. Every host countrySmart2016-08-18 11:20:58

The only place where the country and host city has any leeway is in the cultural program. That program has included official and unofficial demostration sports in the past. This has included the following:

1. Tennis and Baseball at the 1984 LA Games
2. Curling at the 1988 Calgary Winter Games
3. Sumo Wrestling at the 1998 Nagano Winter Games
4. Rodeo at the 2002 Salt Lake Winter Games
5. Cheerleading at the 2006 Torino Winter Games

For more info please check the olympic charter

Source(s): http://multimedia.olympic.org/pdf/en_report_122.pdf


maybe u r right. I thought I got -Smart- 給 Smart 發送悄悄話 (37 bytes) () 08/18/2016 postreply 11:38:08
