Sidney Crosby 是個傳奇,昵稱”Sid the kid”, 他是一個不可逾越的高峰,從2005年十八歲到現在,一路掀起過多少冰球粉的癡迷和狂熱.
他被選為隊長的時候,最資深的冰球評論家說"太荒謬了,他們讓一個還是孩子,沒有任何NHL經驗的臭屁孩來引領一隻隊伍"( Don Cherry’s comments: “An 18-year-old kid says he’s going to give us ideas. What, from the Quebec League, he’s going to give them ideas? Come on. That’s ridiculous”.) 事實證明,自古英雄出少年. 十九歲企鵝隊隊長並引領他們拿下”Stanley Cup”, 成為NHL曆史上拿下Stanley Cup最年輕的隊長.
顏值上講,他不是我喜歡的類型。但是,他專注的眼神,不可抗拒及舍我其誰的氣勢, 和一箭封喉的力量,讓人不得不肅然起敬。
這個冰球界的天才, 兩歲就自己在家裏的地下室對著家裏的烘幹機練習射門. 三歲開始滑冰,七歲第一次接受媒體采訪,成名很早.一路走來,毀謗受傷無數。但是,天才是擋不住的.
(May 10, 2016) Penguins captain Sidney Crosby gave a speech following the third period that helped Pittsburgh refocus.
"Sid said, 'Guys, we still have a game here, we're still in a decent spot. We want to finish it out, everybody knows that, but we can't stop playing. We can't just fold this game. We're still in a great spot. One more goal and this game's over. What's the past is the past. You can't do anything about it now.'" (2016 NHL Play Offs 2nd round Game 6 against Capitals, 3:3 ties after the 3rd period)
Great leader and sportmanship award!