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After taking a couple of days to process everything from our playoff series, I just wanted to leave you with a very open and honest note to thank all my beloved fans. It's the least I can do for all your support this past season.

Athletes often say "I have the best fans in the world." When I say it, I mean it. You all support me with so much enthusiasm that every year my teammates talk about how they've never seen such die-hard fans. Sure, sometimes you guys can be a little aggressive or overwhelming for other fans and reporters haha, but I understand that comes from your love for me.

You guys showed up nightly to TWC Arena giving us a huge home court advantage. You made all of us feel like rock stars on our preseason trip to China. You flew in from different U.S. cities and countries (some which required ~18 hours of flying) just to watch regular season games. You guys cared enough about me to make and share a video of fouls committed on me. I received more gifts, support letters and fan art than I know what to do with. 

Over 10,000 of you signed up for my prayer letter and diligently prayed for me throughout the season. Hundreds of you opened up about some of the most vulnerable parts of your life and asked me and my business team to pray for you guys (which we did).

THANKS for being a big reason why this was the most enjoyable season I've ever had in the NBA! Sorry we couldn't keep this playoff run going. I'm extremely sad about this season ending and miss basketball like crazy already. I seriously can't wait for my body to heal up and start training again. I try not to think about the playoffs, and turn away when I see any other playoff games. It stings because I know we could be in the 2nd round, but God is perfect through the highs and the lows, and He has never led me astray!

This past year was a step in the right direction, but I know there's another level I can get to. So as I approach the off-season, I will keep working on my game. Next year my jumper will be way better. I will come back a much better player. I want to keep having fun on the court (like I did this past year). For free agency, I will seek out every opportunity that gives me the greatest chance to be the best player I can be. I believe I'm just getting started. I have more to give and more to accomplish. 

I'm excited to see what God has for me in the future! But for now, time to rest, recover and recharge myself physically and mentally. So on that note, I'm off to vacation!!

P.S had to leave you guys with one last hairdo

Jeremy Lin 林書豪's photo.
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Crystal Crystal
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Felicia Salvemine You made the game fun and something to look forward to for a lot of us. Please get the financial ducks in a row and come back to us next year..............
LikeReply224 hrs
Eric Lin God bless and have a great vacation Jeremy Lin 林書豪. It's been a great year and I certainly enjoyed watching you grow as I watch you play live on my screen in my office for the past 4 years. As God's children we are blessed to be who we are and appreciate everything whether good or bad that we go through in our lives. You are an inspiration to all of us that with faith in God and ourselves we can always achieve more.
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Psalm 46:10 -- Be STILL and KNOW that I am God.

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Crystal Crystal
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Ernie Liu J Lin only God can help you and win the G 7 ! Don't think too much just play , play for God ! God bless you
林書瑀 God is your strength. All you need is lean on God and pray to him.May God bless you and always be with you no matter where you are, or what you're doing. ????

Blood, sweat and tears!! Love this team, love our fans, love this game! ?#‎BuzzCity? ?#‎ALLglorytoGod? ?#‎samuraibun?

Jeremy Lin 林書豪's photo.
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Gregory Liu I truly believe you can be unstoppable after observing you in tonight's game, Sir! WOW!!! Words cannot express the happiness I feel to see you succeed at the highest level. At the moment, I am consumed by joy for the team's victory and many more for you to come in the future!!! #SamuraiBun
James Davidian Great Job, Praise God! You have a lot of Christians watching and praying for ya, we know you are always giving God and Jesus glory through your hard work and playing the game as a team. I saw you point up like Curry after you made that 3 game 3. Keep lookin up JLin! Confident in Christ!

Psalm 37:5 -- Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.

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Crystal Crystal
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Paul N Shannon Fangaloka Jeremy Lin, my sons plays basketball here in Australia. We sat down together and watch your documentary. Got me to tears, how much God meant to you... I told my boys to learn from it. Bless you brother. Thank you for letting Jesus be the centre of everything.
Johnson K Lee And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,
Colossians 3:17 and 23

Thank you Jesus, my teammates/coaches and the best fans for an amazing season!!! No one thought we would make it this far, but we're here so we might as well keep going lol ?#‎BuzzCity? ?#‎playoffs2016? ?#‎Godsperfectplan?

Jeremy Lin 林書豪's photo.
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Crystal Crystal
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Shinyi Jeng Jeremy, Congratulations for the great team win tonight!! ????????Awesome team efforts and you guys are well deserved it!! You're so cute and we can't wait for seeing you at the playoffs!! ???????? What a great season for you all and keep up your great work!! ????? #Blessed #GoJLin #GoHornets ????????
Shinyi Jeng's photo.
Wang Hope Thank you, Jeremy for giving us a joyful season! We're proud of you and yes, God's perfect plan is still going in your life. The best is yet to come. Rest well in the next few days and recharge in the Lord and refresh your body. Here we come, playoffs!
Wang Hope's photo.