橄欖每周競猜 via NFL Weekly Pick'em (報名)

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上麵是在nfl.com建立的 體壇競猜大本營 (WXCTT) :)

因為沒太多時間了,翻牆技術還有待提高,所以咱們就偷個懶,參照 糊粉的夢幻橄欖聯盟,借用nfl.com的 NFL Weekly Pick'em 來組辦今年的競猜。這樣省時省力又公平,唯一的顧慮是需要參賽者提供一個Email(其實還可以Facebook Invite或是Twitter Invite)。不過好在如今注冊一個近似於匿名的Email很簡單,也就是幾分鍾時間。俺就是搞了個專門用於WXC的Email/Facebook/Twitter。如有不妥不便,還請大家海涵。如需投訴,直接跳過斑竹網管微信司令 :):)

0. 冠冕堂皇來個宗旨:花一兩分鍾時間,得體壇吹牛大權,何樂而不為?

1. 報名 (今天開始,沒有死期<是芥末翻譯嗎? 其實嘛,報名 ends at kickoff of the final regular season game, scheduled to take place 1/3/16.>)


  - 把您的Email悄悄話給大戈壁;糊粉的夢幻橄欖聯盟成員不必再發Email,已經通過“Invite your league"給您發出了邀請。
  - 或把您的Facebook or Twitter iD 悄悄話給大戈壁。還沒試過此招,但應該沒什麽貓膩。


2. 體壇競猜大本營組建

3. 開賽日 (9-10-2015, 8:30 PM EDT, NBC
請在此之前上網make your picks.

4. 資料
Official Rules: http://weeklypickem.fantasy.nfl.com/rules 
How to play:http://weeklypickem.fantasy.nfl.com/howToPlay



Official Rules.
This Game May Not Be Used To Conduct, Advertise Or Promote Any Form Of Gambling.

1. Registration Period:
Registration for the Game begins at 3:00:00 pm Eastern Time (ET) on 8/3/15 and ends at kickoff of the final regular season game, scheduled to take place 1/3/16.

2. Game Period:
The Game Period begins at kickoff (approximately 8:30 p.m. ET) of the first 2015 NFL regular season game scheduled to take place on 9/10/15 and ends at the completion of Super Bowl 50 on 2/7/16. Exact dates are subject to change dependent upon the NFL schedule (the Game Period). The Game and participation in the Game are subject to these Official Rules. The Game Period will be divided into twenty-one (21) weekly periods (each, a Weekly Scoring Period) during which fantasy points will be accumulated. The Weekly Scoring Periods are as follows:

Weekly Scoring Period    Weekly Scoring Period Starts at Kickoff on the First Game at:    Weekly Scoring Period Ends at the Completion of the Last Game Played at:
1    Approx. 8:30pm ET on 9/10/15    Approx. 1:15am ET on 9/14/15
2    Approx. 8:20pm ET on 9/17/15    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 9/21/15
3    Approx. 8:20pm ET on 9/24/15    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 9/28/15
4    Approx. 8:20pm ET on 10/1/15    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 10/5/15
5    Approx. 8:20pm ET on 10/8/15    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 10/12/15
6    Approx. 8:20pm ET on 10/15/14    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 10/19/14
7    Approx. 8:20pm ET on 10/22/15    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 10/26/15
8    Approx. 8:20pm ET on 10/29/15    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 11/2/15
9    Approx. 8:20pm ET on 11/5/15    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 11/9/15
10    Approx. 8:20pm ET on 11/12/15    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 11/16/15
11    Approx. 8:20pm ET on 11/19/15    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 11/23/15
12    Approx. 12:30pm ET on 11/26/15    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 11/30/15
13    Approx. 8:20pm ET on 12/3/15    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 12/7/15
14    Approx. 8:20pm ET on 12/10/15    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 12/14/15
15    Approx. 8:20pm ET on 12/17/15    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 12/21/15
16    Approx. 8:30pm ET on 12/24/15    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 12/28/14
17    Approx. 1:00pm ET on 1/3/16    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 1/3/16
Wild Card    Approx. 4:35pm ET on 1/9/16    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 1/10/16
Divisional    Approx. 4:35pm ET on 1/16/16    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 1/17/16
Conference    Approx. 3:05pm ET on 1/24/16    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 1/24/16
Super Bowl 50    Approx. 6:30pm ET on 2/7/16    Approx. 11:59:59pm ET on 2/7/16
All registrations/entries become the property of the NFL and will not be acknowledged or returned.

3. To Participate:
a) Become a Registered Participant of the Game: Visit nfl.com/fantasy during the Registration Period and complete and submit the Game registration form to obtain a User ID and Password from NFL.com. Registration is free. Once you are a registered participant of the Game, you may access the Game Page at any time during the Registration and Promotion Period by visiting nfl.com/pickem and submitting your User ID and Password. The use of script, macro or any other device to automate or subvert the registration process is prohibited and all such registrations will be void. In the event of a dispute as to the identity of an participant based on the email address submitted at the time of registration, registration will be deemed from the person named on the applicable registration form (regardless of whether that is the name of the authorized account holder of the email address from which said registration form was submitted), provided such individual is eligible according to these Official Rules.

b) Predictions: The object of the Game is to accrue the highest number of fantasy points by the conclusion of the Game Period. Accrue fantasy points during the Game Period in the following way:

1) Pick the NFL team who you think will win each of the games for each week (hereafter combined, your Prediction). The Predictions you submit for each Weekly Scoring Period will accumulate fantasy points based on the Scoring System below.
To Participate:Do all of the following during the Registration Period: 1) visit the Game Page (as directed above), which will feature a schedule, and follow the instructions provided to select and submit your Prediction Weekly Scoring Period by the deadline outlined in section 3.c below. If your pick(s)/Prediction are submitted by the relevant deadline outlined, this selection will be your active Prediction for the applicable Weekly Scoring Period.

Notes: 1) If you wish, you may submit multiple (or all) Weekly Scoring Period Predictions at the same time as long as they are submitted in advance of the applicable Weekly Scoring Period deadlines.

c) Prediction Tie-Breaker and Submission Deadline: The deadline for choosing, modifying, or submitting your Prediction for each Weekly Scoring Period is prior to kickoff of the first applicable game. Therefore, you may revise your Prediction for each Weekly Scoring Period throughout the Registration Period; however, you may not make a Prediction for a game that is already in progress or has been completed.

Prediction that is received by the applicable deadline will be used to tabulate your correct picks. Correct picks will not be awarded if 1.) Prediction is not made by the applicable deadline, 2.) a game is cancelled for any reason, or 3.) a game is postponed or rescheduled, for any reason, to take place during a subsequent Weekly Scoring Period.

All selections must be accepted and acknowledged by the computer servers by the applicable deadline to be considered valid, timely, and eligible.

Tiebreaker sort within Weekly Pick'Em works as follows. In the event of a tie on a Weekly Leaderboard, the participant who completed their final weekly entry first will win the tiebreaker. In the event of a tie on the Overall Leaderboard, the participant who scored a higher number of points in the previous week will win the tiebreaker. If ties still exist after these additional tiebreakers, the participant entries are considered tied as displayed on the leaderboards.

4. Scoring System
During each Weekly Scoring Period throughout the Game Period, you will earn fantasy points based on your Prediction of each game's winner for each applicable Weekly Scoring Period using the following scoring system:

Predictions    Fantasy Points:
For each correctly identified game winner:    10 fantasy points
For correctly identifying 5 game winners:    10 fantasy points
For correctly identifying 10 game winners:    30 fantasy points
For correctly identifying all game winners in a week:    50 fantasy points



讚了再說!去年好像我贏了所有的ESPN專家,哈哈哈。季後賽也勝了他們。 -talkatwxc- 給 talkatwxc 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/01/2015 postreply 07:16:43

吹吹吹 -Giantfan- 給 Giantfan 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/01/2015 postreply 07:37:11

喜丫頭若防守不靈了,俺就改頂三翻了。先看幾場再說。 -- 給 過 發送悄悄話 過 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/01/2015 postreply 10:16:27

好,我也來試試, 看電腦和逃課有多大的距離 -imayazifan- 給 imayazifan 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/01/2015 postreply 11:46:35

隻猜輸贏用電腦不吃虧啊,除非你加其它因素,或都選上狗。 -talkatwxc- 給 talkatwxc 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/01/2015 postreply 13:23:45

上狗勝率超過70%,選上狗,否則擲硬幣. 剛剛完成第一周猜單,唯一任性和電腦對著幹的是選Titans over Buccanee -imayazifan- 給 imayazifan 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/01/2015 postreply 14:24:36

嗬嗬,可以可以!原來還想做這個,現在好了,擱筆胸把活給幹了。讚! -LakersFan- 給 LakersFan 發送悄悄話 LakersFan 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/01/2015 postreply 12:47:06

你那個高科技,俺這個農民水平就成 :) -大戈壁- 給 大戈壁 發送悄悄話 大戈壁 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2015 postreply 09:31:07

跪求斑竹把這個吊起來。。。 -LakersFan- 給 LakersFan 發送悄悄話 LakersFan 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/01/2015 postreply 12:48:05



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