
Using System Restore when there is malware present may result in the Restore Points being
infected as well. So its usually best to remove the malware before using System Restore if
at all possible. There are some malware infections that it is ok to use System Restore to
remove however unless one is very sure it is best not to do so.

If you need to check for malware here are my recommendations - these will allow you to do
a thorough check and removal without ending up with a load of spyware programs running
resident which can cause as many issues as the malware and maybe harder to detect as the

No one program can be relied upon to detect and remove all malware. Added that often easy
to detect malware is often accompanied by a much harder to detect and remove payload. So
its better to be overly thorough now than to pay the high price later. Check with these to an
extreme overkill point and then run the cleanup only when you are very sure the system is clean.

These can be done in Safe Mode - repeatedly tap F8 as you boot however you should also run
them in regular Windows when you can.

TDSSKiller.exe. - Download to the Desktop - then go to it and Right Click on it - RUN AS ADMIN
it will show any infections in the report after running - if it will not run change the name from
tdsskiller.exe to tdsskiller.com. Whether it finds anything or not does not mean you should not
check with the other methods below.

Download malwarebytes and scan with it, run MRT, and add Prevx to be sure it is gone.
(If Rootkits run UnHackMe)

Download - SAVE - go to where you put it - Right Click on it - RUN AS ADMIN

Malwarebytes - free
