謝謝之前版主及各位xdjm的關心。我現在已經回到了自己的所在地。昨天晚上給她發了個郵件,一是告訴她我平安到達,二是感謝她的盛情款待。我說過我這個人沒什麽複雜的情感經曆,想事情有時候也過於簡單,所以沒能把握好機會。下麵的一段話是她的回信,我想聽聽你們的意見(不知道這樣做是否妥當,我在心裏先說聲報歉了):It is not because of some words you said or something you have been done. You have been yourself and you did well. However, I did not find myself attracted to you as an individual. After meeting you in person, I found you are not a person that I would spend the rest of my life with. Please do not take this personal. It has nothing to reflect on your characteristic. I prefer not to develop a relationship with you; but to remain available, looking for my other half. As a mature woman, I am very clear what I want and what I don't.
I appreciate your attention. But I ask you to respect my wish.我說過我不是一個死纏爛打的人,盡管我很喜歡她。我現在在猶豫該怎麽辦。過階段她會有個畢業典禮,我不知道是不是應該去參加。
• Time to move on -3OK- ♀ (242 bytes) () 07/07/2009 postreply 08:12:55
• thanks a lot, i totally understand. i am a simple guy, not -tradertobe- ♂ (136 bytes) () 07/07/2009 postreply 09:14:43
• 回複:thanks a lot, i totally understand. i am a simple guy, not -3OK- ♀ (227 bytes) () 07/07/2009 postreply 10:15:33
• 男人一定要自信, -AnaZhang- ♀ (48 bytes) () 07/07/2009 postreply 08:14:58
• honestly i am a confident guy, however, this is a long-distance -TraderToBe- ♂ (166 bytes) () 07/07/2009 postreply 09:22:29
• 人家對你不感興趣,那就算了。。。免得以後紅杏出牆。。。 -燭龍- ♂ (0 bytes) () 07/07/2009 postreply 08:22:27
• 嗯,做普通朋友吧,我覺得可能是你的猛烈追求嚇到她了 -小地雷- ♀ (0 bytes) () 07/07/2009 postreply 08:32:17
• 其實之前我也表現的比較strong,她並沒有太介意,隻是 -TraderToBe- ♂ (168 bytes) () 07/07/2009 postreply 09:31:58
• 沒關係,別灰心,追MM是個技術活兒,需要經驗的積累,多試幾次就好了 -小地雷- ♀ (0 bytes) () 07/07/2009 postreply 09:52:04
• 我是個生人,路過這裏,看到你的帖,說幾句。這個女孩 -nianlian- ♀ (174 bytes) () 07/07/2009 postreply 08:39:31
• thanks for your opinion! that is my understanding too. -TraderToBe- ♂ (27 bytes) () 07/07/2009 postreply 09:17:54
• 已經很明確了 你已經和她沒戲了 人家沒感覺 -正在痊愈的雞眼- ♀ (0 bytes) () 07/07/2009 postreply 11:33:04
• 已經說的這麽明白了,忘了她吧 -lavendar~- ♀ (40 bytes) () 07/07/2009 postreply 11:50:32
• 靠,被滅門了啊!!! 為你默哀!! -鹹著的北京人- ♂ (0 bytes) () 07/08/2009 postreply 14:42:33