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來源: 好看? 2009-05-05 18:32:10 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (904 bytes)
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回答: What do you think about this:好看?2009-05-05 10:09:38
little by little, I began to see changes in both of us. When Michael became angry, instead of reacting negatively, I pray for him. I asked God to give me insight into what was causing his rage, He did. I asked him what I could do to make thing better, he showed me. My hu*****ands anger became less frequent and more quickly soothed. Every day, prayer build something positive....

In every broken marriage, there is at least one person whose heart is hard against God...

Imagine Mary Magdalene's joy when she went to Jesus's tomb the third day He had been crucified and found He was not dead after all, but had been raised up by the power of God. The joy of seeing something hopelessly dead brought to life is the greatest joy we can know...

Don't write off the marriage. Ask God to give you a new hu*****and. He is able to take the one you have and make him a new creation in Christ...


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