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終於明白 為什麽總想去聞一聞海的味道



深沉 宏闊 延展到天際

海岸線明晰方正 藍色鏡麵中透著俊朗 

一浪接一浪 向前滾動著執著



它與月亮之間的相吸 密語 從未停息過

夜深人靜時達到高潮 黎明前退去

仿佛它們的心思 總不被白天的世界所包容






想起海底那些沒有浮起的貝殼 海螺 未知物


舔它脊背上的苦味 感受被它搖晃 輕托

聽它講水底那座傳說中的古城 以及





藍波在心海裏 一層層翻卷著湧來







                    【Blue Waves】



                     By Tian Yu Zhi 



Finally, I understand why I have always wanted to smell the sea

The first time I saw it, was at the moment 

When the high waves crushed against a huge reef

Deep and grand, extending to the horizon 

The coastline was clear and square

The blue mirror revealed a handsome face

Wave after wave, it was rolling forward, with persistence



The attraction and secret words between the sea and the moon never cease

Reach high tide in the still of the night and recede before dawn

As if their thoughts are not tolerated by the world during the day

People get used to their relationship

Occasionally, a poet sighs a few words for them 



Walking beside it, I am always filled with joy

Thinking of the seashells on the seafloor, the conch, and the unknown

I really want to undress, jump into the waves, and swim 

Lick the bitter taste on its back, feel gently rocked and held 

Hear it talk about the legendary ancient city underwater, and

The story of a mermaid hidden among the seagrass 



The waves have the color of blue 

In the sea of my heart, 

Blue waves are rolling towards me, layer by layer

The moon rises








下麵是這月佛州度假時剛照的照片 ~





這次東西兩邊的海灘都去了,看了日出和日落 ~




"The water has been waiting long enough
We float on the river of time..." 













加了幾張海邊度假照片 ~ -天玉之- 給 天玉之 發送悄悄話 天玉之 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/08/2022 postreply 15:04:42

美不勝收,令人神往! -夢遊桃源- 給 夢遊桃源 發送悄悄話 夢遊桃源 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/08/2022 postreply 15:58:46

謝謝!的確很美,冬天總喜歡往海邊跑,看不夠,這次東西兩邊的海灘各玩了一次,我再加個日出和日落吧~ -天玉之- 給 天玉之 發送悄悄話 天玉之 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/08/2022 postreply 16:37:54

藍波在心天地遠, 朝觀碧海晚賞霞 -閑者歐文- 給 閑者歐文 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/09/2022 postreply 01:04:51

妙句!喜歡,謝謝賜句,問好新朋友 ~ -天玉之- 給 天玉之 發送悄悄話 天玉之 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/09/2022 postreply 05:53:51

加了個英文版,謝謝賞讀! -天玉之- 給 天玉之 發送悄悄話 天玉之 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/09/2022 postreply 18:10:59



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