
來源: Yimusanfendi 2016-08-07 21:38:31 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4396 bytes)
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《長幹行》 李白

妾發初覆額,折花門前劇。 郎騎竹馬來,繞床弄青梅。

同居長幹裏,兩小無嫌猜。 十四為君婦,羞顏未嚐開。

低頭向暗壁,千喚不一回。 十五始展眉,願同塵與灰。

常存抱柱信,豈上望夫台。 十六君遠行,瞿塘灩澦堆。

五月不可觸,猿鳴天上哀。 門前遲行跡,一一生綠苔。

苔深不能掃,落葉秋風早。 八月蝴蝶來,雙飛西園草。

感此傷妾心,坐愁紅顏老。 早晚下三巴,預將書報家。


Song of Chang-gan

Bai Li 
(Translated by Yimusandendi)

While my hair was first covering my forehead,
I picked up flowers and played in front of the gate.
You came and pretended riding on a bamboo horse,
Played green plums as you went around my seat.

And we both lived in the same village of Changgan,
We were both little, being together without any dislike or suspicion.
When I was fourteen I became your bride,
My bashful face did not dare to put on an expression.

Lowered my head and turned to the dark wall,
I never replied once, though being called a thousand times,
When I was fifteen I started to relax my eyebrows,
I desired to be with you mingling  our dusts and ashes.

You alway have the faith of grabbing the bridge pillar to die for the commitment,
How came being alone I had to climb the lookout-husband tower?
When I was sixteen you went for a faraway trip,
Passing by Qutang Gorge full of swirling eddies of the river.

In May let your ship not be wrecked in high waves,
Where gibbons cry out sorrowful sound filling up the heavens.
In front of the gate the footprints from your slow departure
Have been buried under green mosses.

The green mosses are too deep to be wiped away,
The falling leaves and autumn winds come early without delay.

In August the butterflies are coming,
They are flying in pairs among the grass in the west garden,
Thinking of this I feel my heart is broken,
Sit here and worry about my pretty face old growing .

If sooner or later you are coming down from Sanba, 
Please send a letter home when you are still far.
No matter how long the way I will go out to meet you ,
Until as far away as Changfeng-Sha.


The River-Merchant's -Wife:A letter-

(Translated by Ezra Pound)

While my hair was still cut straight across my forehead 
I played about the front gate, pulling owers.
You came by on bamboo stilts, playing horse, 
You walked about my seat, playing with blue plums.

And we went on living in the village of Chokan: 
Two smallpeople,without dislike or suspicion.
At fourteen I married My Lord you.
I never laughed, being bashful.
Lowering my head, I looked at the wall.
Called to, a thousand times, I never looked back.
At fifteen I stopped scowling, 
I desired my dust to be mingled with yours 
Forever and forever and rever.
Why should I climb the look out?
At sixteen you departed, 
You went into far Ku-to-en, by the river of swirling eddies, 
And you have been gone five months.
The monkeys make sorrowful noise overhead.
You dragged your feet when you went out.
By the gate now, the moss is grown, the different mosses, 
Too deep to clear them away!
The leaves fall early this autumn, in wind.
The paired butterflies are already yellow with August 
Over the grass in the West garden; They hurt me.
I grow older.
If you are coming down through the narrows of the river Kiang, 
Please let me know beforehand,
And I will come out to meet you 
As far as Cho-fu-Sa.


下麵龐德經典譯文成為中國愛情詩之標誌。對比讀吧。 -Yimusanfendi- 給 Yimusanfendi 發送悄悄話 Yimusanfendi 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/07/2016 postreply 22:16:18

依然的簡潔幹淨,學習欣賞。那什麽, -泥鰍兒- 給 泥鰍兒 發送悄悄話 泥鰍兒 的博客首頁 (219 bytes) () 08/08/2016 postreply 08:44:39

鰍兒眼尖。改了好。 -Yimusanfendi- 給 Yimusanfendi 發送悄悄話 Yimusanfendi 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/08/2016 postreply 08:52:33



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