哎,大嘴師這麽快就布置作業了, 我都覺得自己像吳牛喘月,累得投降。先把上篇翻譯由文鄒鄒的雅言換成大白話文請大師過目。

本文內容已被 [ ling1984 ] 在 2014-08-23 12:59:42 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

新的作業請給我十天半月時間研讀, 我這真是少壯不努力,老大遇嚴師, 不傷悲也得要傷悲了。


anyone lived in a pretty how town 隨便哪個常人曾住過的不起眼小鎮
by ee cummings 中譯 曼無 (Ling1984)

anyone lived in a pretty how town 隨便哪個常人曾住過的不起眼小鎮
(with up so floating many bells down) 鎮上原本飄浮的許多信仰鍾聲已經墜落在地
spring summer autumn winter 春夏秋冬
he sang his didn’t he danced his did 他唱了他不曾唱過的歌,跳了他跳過的舞極盡所能的遊樂人生

Women and men(both little and small) 男男女女 (通通都是誌小人微)
cared for anyone not at all 完全不在乎任何人
they sowed their isn’t they reaped their same 他們播種沒有播撒的種子,他們收割如出一轍的果實
sun moon stars rain 日月星雨   平庸得可以

children guessed(but only a few 孩子們曾猜想 (然而不多隻有少數
and down they forgot as up they grew 少數的他們漸漸長大並將此事兒忘到爪哇
autumn winter spring summer) 秋冬春夏 )
that noone loved him more by more 這事兒就是無人愛上任何人 愛深切得無以複加

when by now and tree by leaf 愛自從前到當下, 由一葉就可窺見整棵樹
she laughed his joy she cried his grief 她曾大笑他的歡樂, 她哭泣他的傷悲
bird by snow and stir by still 一如鳥兒在雪的靜寂中仍然心動得想翻飛
anyone’s any was all to her 任何人的任何事就是她的整個世界

someones married their everyones 有人與他們的每個人結婚不論是否愛得真切
laughed their cryings and did their dance 強顏歡笑掩飾悲傷的眼淚 並且如常跳舞不絕
(sleep wake hope and then)they (睡睡醒醒希望祈願而後) 他們說出
said their nevers they slept their dream 他們從未說出的告解 他們睡了他們的夢想 夢想破碎

stars rain sun moon 星雨日月
(and only the snow can begin to explain (隻有雪能開始敘說原委
how children are apt to forget to remember 為什麽孩子們能遺忘原先所記得的一切並遺忘得如此熟練徹底
with up so floating many bells down) 跟著原本飄浮的許多信仰鍾聲墜落在地)

one day anyone died i guess 有一天隨便任何人去世了我猜
(and noone stooped to kiss his face) (並且無人哈腰親吻他的臉龐)
busy folk buried them side by side 奔忙的人們將他們並排埋葬
little by little and was by was 一點一點地 過去的一切於是被一並埋葬

all by all and deep by deep 所有的一切,深深沉沉的
and more by more they dream their sleep 更多更多的 他們在睡眠裏夢想著他們的睡夢
noone and anyone earth by april 無人和任何人的人間四月天
wish by spirit and if by yes. 被遊夢的精魂所希冀 並且不再受到存在與否的質疑

Women and men(both dong and ding) 男男女女 (嘰嘰歪歪碌碌無為就像鳴過即逝的叮咚鍾聲)
summer autumn winter spring 夏秋冬春
reaped their sowing and went their came 收割了他們的播種然後由來處來,再由來處去
sun moon stars rain 日月星雨  平庸得可以
