I am using a coupon for a order which will expire by end of the month (only 2 days left).
I am looking for a picture to be printed on the Canvas to hang on my wall. The size of the picture must be at least of 1M. I need to provide the picture to the shop. My choice of the subject is Orchid. I am not expert in taking pictures but always come here to appreciate all your works. Now it is just too urgent for me to find one.
If any of you kindly post a picture for me to use, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you and wish you all have a great new year!
Who can give me a picture of 1M size for me to use?
(257 bytes)
12/28/2012 postreply
回複:Who can give me a picture of 1M size for me to use?
(170 bytes)
12/28/2012 postreply
u may need some PS skillS to make that happen if i may say
(0 bytes)
12/28/2012 postreply
(116 bytes)
12/28/2012 postreply
or this one?
(139 bytes)
12/28/2012 postreply
try use search at flickr.com, you will have huge selections you
(0 bytes)
12/28/2012 postreply