嘿嘿,I'm Nikon guy.以下是photo.net的ZT

回答: 再請教-啥軟件可看焦點啊? 謝謝您!阿玉2012-09-16 01:49:48

Don't know about EOS Viewer Utility, but it is possible with ZoomBrowserEx.

 Jun 09, 2005; 05:51 a.m.

Open EOS Viewer Utility. Double click on a thumbnail to enlarge image display. Along the top are icons. The "Show or Hide AF Point" icon is immediately to the right of the IPICT icon (has a little red retangle on it). Click on the "Show or Hide AF Point" icon and it will display the AF point used.

Well, it works that way on a Mac. I assume the PC version is similar. This feature is also covered in the software manual if you desire more information


太感謝了!!! -阿玉- 給 阿玉 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/17/2012 postreply 00:46:31
