DC Homeless - Data & Reporting

來源: 雲海飛雨 2012-05-09 20:37:09 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (6601 bytes)

Data & Reporting


In order to prevent homelessness, we must understand it as it exists in our community. The information in this section details various aspects of homelessness in the District, programs within D.C.'s Continuum of Care and the progress we are making towards ending homelessness.

Fast Facts on Homelessness in D.C.

There are over 6,500 homeless persons in the District of Columbia

On January 27, 2011, the Community Partnership for the Prevention of Homelessness conducted the annual Point-in-Time enumeration. Point-in-Time presents a yearly "snapshot" of how many people are homeless and where they are in Continuum on a single day.

There were 6,546 persons counted in the District on the date of Point-in-Time.

Literally Homeless Persons Counted % Change
2008 2009 2010 2011 2008-2011
6,044 6,288 6,539 6,546 9.3%

The homeless are counted in two categories: the "literally homeless" – those without shelter, and those living in emergency shelter or transitional housing – and the "formerly homeless" – those living in permanent supportive housing. The formerly homeless remain at risk of becoming homeless again without the support provided by these dedicated housing resources.

Permanent housing is seen as the solution to homelessness and the District's permanent housing inventory plays an important role in moving the city's homeless toward greater stability. On the Point-in-Time date, 3,824 formerly homeless single persons and persons in families were counted in permanent supportive housing. This is a nine (9) percent increase from the count conducted in 2010 and nearly 90 percent from just four years ago.

Homeless Single Persons

There are 3,553 literally homeless single persons in Washington, D.C.

Most homeless single persons in the District are considered "chronically homeless" due to repeated or lengthy episodes of homelessness or deep disabilities. Persons with these disabilities, such as mental health issues or chronic substance abuse, are difficult to stabilize in shelter-based living arrangements. Permanent supportive housing resources are key to ending their homelessness.

Nearly two-thirds of single homeless persons reside in the city's emergency shelters. Single homeless persons in the District are predominantly male and are largely unemployed. Twenty percent of single persons served in the District's emergency shelters lived outside of D.C. before becoming homeless and one in four has lived in an institutional setting such as foster care, jail or prison, a hospital, or substance abuse or psychiatric treatment facilities at some point in the past.

Client Data, Single Persons in Emergency Shelter

Clients Counted 2,614 % Chronically Homeless 69
Men 76.0 Average Age (Men) 48
Women 23.9 Average Age (Women) 39
Transgendered 0.1 % Employed 19.2
Subpopulations Disabilities
% Formerly in Foster Care 3.4 % Chronic Health Problem 29.1
% Formerly Institutionalized 17.5 % Chronic Substance Abuser 15.1
% Language Minority 11.8 % Living with HIV/AIDS 2.1
% U.S. Military Veteran 13.4 % Physically Disabled 23.7
% Severely Mentally Ill 13.3

Homeless Families

There are 858 literally homeless families in D.C. which include 1,068 adults and 1,620 children. Homeless families are most frequently headed by a sole female adult. Prior to becoming homeless most families lived in Ward 7 or 8.

Permanent housing resources for families struggling with disabilities are needed but affordable housing and assistance for the precariously housed can help prevent families from becoming homeless.

Client Data, Adult Persons in Family Emergency Shelters

Clients Counted 408 % Chronically Homeless 33
% Men 19.6 Average Age (Men) 33
% Woman 80.4 Average Age (Women) 30
% Transgendered 0.0 % Employed 16.7
Subpopulation Disabilities
% Formerly in Foster Care 1.2 % Chronic Health Problem 14.5
% Formerly Institutionalized 8.6 Chronic Substance Abuser 4.2
% Language Minority 1.3 % Living with HIV/AIDS 0.7
% U.S. Military Veteran 1.0 % Physically Disabled 8.6
% Severly Mentally Ill 12.7


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