Thank you very much for starting this discussion

來源: Big_Benz 2012-03-16 09:11:02 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1047 bytes)
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I have started to do studio model shoot recently.  One "WOW" photo must have a set of good lighting and an excellent pose.  Even with an experienced model, it takes several minutes to get it right.

This is my process.  I would start with Model's MM profile to see which side/angle she likes the most. Combine that with her particular body shape, I would do quite extensive research and engage with studio owner to outline the lighting and poses. 

In my first 4 group shoots, each of 6 photog rotates in the same lighting and take about 5 shots.    You basically get what model gave you, with very little time to adjust.   With the 100% no touch policy, very rare would I be able to get exactly what I had in mind.

Human body is very beautify yet very difficult to capture.  Again, thank you for starting this discussion.  You could control your camera, your lighting, and your head (idea), make a model do exactly what you want, that is a different story. 



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