Thanks, will do.

本帖於 2012-03-09 16:20:43 時間, 由普通用戶 akuan 編輯

I did only two posts on this forum, one for Eugene, and one for @_@, which was quickly deleted in 2010.

For @_@, I respect every effort he ever made here - not only for the entertainment and laughters he brought over, but also for the inspirations and life philosophy he'd like to share with us. I never considered his controversal photo an issue, although I agree there existed better ways to deal with it, interms of presenting at the first place and explanation later on.  With this said, I personally don't think his deeds warranted any attack towards his personality and character. Saints, or people with no sins ever in life, might know better though.

Feel free to attack me, and silence guaranteed.
