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在非洲,沒有動物會死於晚年,所有的生物都一樣,從一出生就為生存去競賽,大多數都是在過了生命巔峰後,在Race of life中被淘汰。 想想看,人類不也是一樣嗎? 雖說人性險惡,但人性確實有區別於其他動物的閃光點,隻有人會去援助衰弱,殘疾的同類,而在自然界,一切都遵循著,優勝劣汰,適者生存的自然法則。

Credit to the original author: Nicola Swift


Race of life

Every morning in the wild, a gazelle awakens one thing is for sure for the gazelle that day as every other she must run faster than the fastest lion if she cannot she will be killed and eaten.

Every morning a lion awakens for the lion too one thing is certain this day and every day he must run faster than the slowest gazelle.

Whether fate names you a gazelle or a lion is of no consequence it is enough to know that with the rising of the sun you must run and you must run faster than the day before for the rest of your days or you will die.

We all have to run, run the race of life






情感豐富。:) -yujing_hk- 給 yujing_hk 發送悄悄話 yujing_hk 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/28/2022 postreply 00:22:16
