其實, #6 也是很有趣的一張照片, 讓我想起了木匠兄妹(THE CARPENTERS)演出組當年的一首歌的意境:

And solitare's the only game in town
And every road that takes him, takes him down
And by himself it's easy to pretend
He'll never love again
And keeping to himself he plays the game
Without her love it always ends the same
While life goes on around him everywhere
He's playing solitaire
(Carpenters / Solitaire 1974)
當然, 也可以把題目改得憤世嫉俗一點, 就叫它: 《隔離個蛋》
也許這就是攝影的樂趣, 因為你永遠不會知道心靈的哪一個角落會被所觸及到。

