”DNG is an open file format developed by Adobe. It conforms to the TIFF/EP standard and supports both lossless and lossy compression. Since the specification is open, any developer can take image data and assemble it into the TIFF specification required by the DNG container. It also supports a wide range of embedded data including XMP and Exif, negating the need for a separate sidecar file...
What you can do, however, is produce what's called a Linear DNG. This is effectively uncompressed image data - it's been demosaiced but is still scene-referred, meaning it hasn't yet been mapped to a colour space. Various software can extract this linear DNG and treat it as if it were a RAW image - so it then goes through a tone mapping process and is mapped to a colour space. This is possibly what DxO Optics may do when you export to DNG - embedding XMP data into the file too. Alternatively, it may pass either the original sensor data (basically, numbers) or its interpolated version of that data along with instructions of how to process it.“
壇子裏的IT大拿很多,大家用不了半年肯定可以figure out怎麽把修改過的文件存為DNG。