
WATCH: Abused Dog Missing Nose and Ears Finds the Forever He’s Been Waiting for

It was the best day ever for Baron.

The pup, who made headlines last month after he was discovered in Detroit missing a nose, ears and tail, recently found a forever home with a couple who has a special place in their hearts for rottweilers.

In a video produced by the Michigan Humane Society, Laura recalls someone sharing Baron’s story with her, prompting her to reach out to her partner, Todd.

“I got a text about five minutes later saying, ‘I found our next dog,’ ” Todd says in the video.

While the dog’s shocking abuse required reconstructive surgery on his nose and the amputation of his tail last month, something about Baron was still “familiar” to Laura.

“I had a rescue rottweiler, he was 135 lbs. and so I was familiar,” she says, “and as soon as I saw that he was a rotty, it just kind of instantly opened up my heart, I’m like ‘Ok, maybe we can do this again.’ ”

Watch in the video as Baron does his freedom walk out of the shelter with his new family.

“We’re glad to be taking him home to his forever home,” says Todd. “It’s a great feeling. Not so much that we chose him, but this morning’s reaction when we first met I think shows that he chose us as well.”


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Yahoo上看見標題就沒進去 -Calie- 給 Calie 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/03/2017 postreply 14:45:09

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人類! 幸虧人間有善 -Timshel- 給 Timshel 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/04/2017 postreply 08:53:43

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