poodle or poodle mix is good for first time dog parents, like me

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Fell hard in love with them : ) My whole family love and enjoy the first one so much, we got a second one the next month :P

We are lucky that our first one is a super good dog that was well trained already.   We needed a second dog to keep the first one accompanied during day time, so we foster from the local rescue place where we adopted our first one.  They taught us so much, and we get to interact with different types of dogs.    There are problems with fostering ...   you have to deal with the initial "break in" period every time you get a new one,  emotionally it is hard to see the dogs off at each adoption event...   I truly want to adopt them all  LOL.      But all in all, fostering is very good experience and good preparation. 

Hope this helps : ).  Sorry I can't type in Chinese.     


Nice to know and it helps a lot. Thank you. -firebird123- 給 firebird123 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/07/2014 postreply 17:12:01
