妮妮是 Siamese 暹羅貓,所以做了些調查研究,後麵的動畫片很好玩兒

本帖於 2014-02-26 11:13:39 時間, 由版主 Churchill 編輯
The Siamese (Thai??????????RTGSWichianmat, meaning "moon diamond") is one of the first distinctly recognized breeds of Oriental cat. One of several breeds native to Thailand (formerly known as Siam), in the 20th century the Siamese cat became one of the most popular breeds in Europe and North America. The modern Siamese is characterized by blue almond-shaped eyes, a triangular head shape, large ears, an elongated, slender, and muscular body, and point colorationTICAdescribes the breed as social, intelligent, and playful into adulthood, often enjoying a game of fetch.[1] Siamese prefer to live in pairs or groups and also seek human interaction. Their Meezer nickname refers to their vocal nature. The Oriental cat was developed in order to expand the range of coat patterns while the Thai preserves a moderate head and body type.

妮妮很像這個皇家貓貓--傻瓜哦! 還有後麵的Siamese Song Video 簡直是把Siamese 的特點表現的活靈活現,每次看我都笑,尾巴,屁股走路的樣子太像妮妮了!

