Encouraging way to save dogs face euthanasia! You can go to face

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Using Photography to Find Families for Homeless Dogs

“These are not just cute pictures of dogs,” says photographer Shannon Johnstone about her 18-month photography project called “Landfill Dogs.” “These are dogs who have been homeless for at least two weeks, and now face euthanasia if they do not find a home,” she said.

Johnstone, a professor at Meredith College in Raleigh, N.C., took a year-long sabbatical to photograph one dog a week from the county animal shelter at the local landfill for the project.

There are two reasons she takes pictures of the dogs at the landfill. First, it’s managed by the same group that runs the shelter, and second, it’s where they will end up if they don’t find a home.

Her portraits, which can be found on her Landfill Dogs Facebook page and on her website, have put a face and a personality to these largely forgotten dogs that struggle to find homes.

Her work has helped to save the lives of many of the dogs she’s photographed. Since November, 56 of the 73 dogs have gone to permanent homes or rescue groups.

According to her website, each dog that Johnstone photographs gets a car ride, a walk, treats and two hours of individual attention.

“My goal is to offer an individual face to the souls that are lost because of animal overpopulation, and give these animals one last chance.”


讚她,以領養代替購買,就能減少被安樂。希望更多的主人能選擇領養這些無家的貓狗,感謝分享。 -夏奈爾- 給 夏奈爾 發送悄悄話 夏奈爾 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/05/2013 postreply 16:50:16



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