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回答: 琳小主-小主生病了, 要吃雞。琳琳mom2013-10-08 18:10:17

Feeding Bones to Your Dog

Feeding bones to dogs are controversial. Evidence suggests chewing bones is both good and bad.

  • Bones are a natural source of calcium and phosphorus.
  • Chewing stimulates the jaw and prevents boredom.
  • Bones can break teeth and cause enamel damage.
  • Cooked bones are brittle and splinter. Splinters can perforate the intestines.
  • Type of bones: Raw bones don't splinter, but may contain bacteria that cause diarrhea and illness.
  • Type of bones: Never feed raw pork, with or without bones.
  • Work with a holistic veterinarian to determine what's best for your pet.
Always pay close attention to your pet when chewing on a bone or a chew treat to ensure large chunks do not become ingested

Chicken Bones for Dogs

We all heard the saying; don't feed your dog chicken bones! But really, feeding any cooked bone is dangerous because cooked bones may splinter and damage the stomach and intestines. Raw bones do not normally splinter. Many pets enjoy chewing raw chicken or turkey necks and raw chicken wings that are free of salmonella and other bacteria. Raw beef knuckle bones are also delicious treats. Work with your holistic veterinarian to do what is best for your individual pet.

Rawhide Dog Bones

Rawhide dog bones allow dogs to chew safely indoors without dirtying the floor or furniture. Rawhide dog bones exercise the jaw, stimulate saliva flow, and help keep the mouth healthy. Because rawhide does not dissolve in the intestines, make sure your pet doesn't swallow large hunks. Remove the rawhide once it is small enough that your pet might swallow it whole.

Tips to Make Bone Chewing Safer for Your Dog

  • Allow your pet a bone for 20 minutes per day, rinse the bone, and put it in the refrigerator for the next day. Consider soaking the bone in vinegar to kill bacteria before refrigerating. Discard bones after a few days.
  • Begin offering bones to puppies. They learn to chew and not gulp. Watch adult dogs receiving bones for the first time. These pets have the biggest problem because they become overly excited, attack their bones, bite off and swallow chunks, and develop intestinal blockages.
  • Observe your pet while he or she has a bone. Remove the bone well before it is small enough to fit entirely in the mouth and get swallowed.
  • Don't get bitten while removing a bone. Have a harness and leash around your dog, ask your pet to come, offer an overwhelmingly great treat, and lead them away from the bone. For many dogs, it's safer to lead your pet away than to reach down and take a bone.


俺經常給狗烤肉骨頭吃,是不是不能吃了?他們可喜歡了。烤熟的是不是會傷到他們? -nycgal2008- 給 nycgal2008 發送悄悄話 nycgal2008 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/08/2013 postreply 19:05:30

同問。看到壇子裏有喂烤熟的肉骨頭,會不會有問題啊? -琳琳mom- 給 琳琳mom 發送悄悄話 琳琳mom 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/08/2013 postreply 19:13:08

還是小心為好。你給VET 打給電話確定一下。 -周莊流水- 給 周莊流水 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/08/2013 postreply 19:16:26

-琳琳mom- 給 琳琳mom 發送悄悄話 琳琳mom 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/08/2013 postreply 19:17:40

謝關心。俺們都是把煮熟的雞肉取下來給她吃的,就是怕骨頭卡著她。人家是祖宗, -琳琳mom- 給 琳琳mom 發送悄悄話 琳琳mom 的博客首頁 (21 bytes) () 10/08/2013 postreply 19:11:35



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