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因為lucky,吸引越來越多的人參加到保護動物的行動中!感動主人如何形容lucky是他的sidekick and soul mate. 過去的數年中他們一起旅行,每年慈善家捐出的款項是8個米,都是用在保護動物的事業上。



Philathropist Charlie Annenberg adopts lab Lucky and raises funds for pet charities

Lucky dog Charlie Annenberg

Philanthropist Charlie Annenberg and his golden retriever Lucky. For 16 years, Lucky has been his sidekick, soul mate and inspiration, said Mr Annenberg. Picture: AP/Explore.org

WHEN Charlie Annenberg adopted an abandoned golden retriever named Lucky, a new breed of philanthropy was born.

Lucky was four-years-old in 2001 when he teamed up with Mr Annenberg, scion to a US wealthy family known for donating their wealth.

The 46-year-old Mr Annenberg incorporated Lucky into all his projects. They were on the road more than they were home as they travelled around making documentaries about people who were making a difference.

Lucky became Mr Annenberg's sidekick and soul mate and would eventually inspire donations to dog-focused causes from the as much as $US8 million ($9 million) the philanthropist controls annually.

Whether it was a chef at The White House or coal miners underground in West Virginia, Lucky made documentary interviews easy because he made everyone so comfortable. In each small town and big city, the man and dog would make unannounced stops at a retirement home, where Lucky would steal the show.

The workload for both grew with explore.org. Using state-of-the-art cameras, Mr Annenberg brought wildlife (bears and bees and beluga whales) to stunning life for millions of web watchers. He and Lucky travelled to every installation in North America and everywhere they went, Mr Annenberg filmed Lucky interacting with people and places.

At the Delta Blues Museum in Mississippi, Mr Annenberg cut a harmonica-backed, spontaneous freestyle jazz tribute to Lucky.

Pets Lucky Annenberg

Lucky gets some attention on a Hawaiian beach. Since his adoption, the lab has traveled the world, raising money for animal charities. Picture: AP/Explore.org

"It doesn't matter what color your skin, man or woman, fat or thin. He loves them all, every day. His name is Lucky and he's my friend.''

In 2010, Mr Annenberg decided to use his Lucky photos and films for a travel journal on Facebook, telling the story of their trips.

Mr Annenberg called the journal Dog Bless You, he said, because several years earlier Lucky had befriended a homeless man in San Francisco. They shared time and a sandwich with the man. As they were leaving, the man said: "Dog bless you.''

The Facebook page was all about Lucky, but it captured the fervour for pets that was growing around the country.

"Today we have an audience of 505,000 fans,'' said Courtney Johnson, explore.org's community relations manager.

When an earthquake and tsunami struck Japan in 2011, killing more than 18,000 people, Mr Annenberg used Dog Bless You to send six search dogs.

Then war veterans started returning home in large numbers, with wounds including brain injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Passion for the cause on Dog Bless You soared. Dogs cost between $US2000 and $US50,000 each, depending on how much training they need, Ms Johnson said.

Mr Annenberg, grandson of the late publisher, ambassador and philanthropist Walter H. Annenberg, is a vice president and director of the grant-making Annenberg Foundation. He gives away up to $US8 million a year.

In just three years, he has donated 170 guide dogs, search-and-rescue dogs or service dogs for veterans.

The majority of the dogs funded by Mr Annenberg have been for veterans. Because there are waiting lists at almost every training school and experts say thousands of veterans would benefit from a dog, Mr Annenberg plans to accelerate the dog grant program.

Warrior Canine Connection in Brookeville, Maryland, is just one of the dog training schools Mr Annenberg uses, but it's also one of the most unique because dogs are raised for, by and with veterans.

The latest group of nine puppies is even named after veterans, said Warrior Canine executive director Rick Yount. Called the "honour litter,'' they are Bre, Luke, Gavin, Leigh Ann, Derek, Nick, Florence, Cody and Stanley.

"It's a good way to say, 'We are not forgetting about your sacrifices.' And they (the namesakes) get to spend time with the puppies and get therapy themselves,'' Mr Yount said.

Trained veterans teach the puppies for the first eight to 12 weeks. Then the dogs go live with volunteers from military or veteran's organisations.

"By the time a dog is fully trained, over 500 vets and service members have been involved in getting it ready,'' Mr Yount said.

"Hearing the stories of how these dogs help bring their humans out of the darkness is incredible. In some instances, having the companionship of a dog is what motivates them to keep going - it gives them a purpose and reason to get up in the morning,'' said Dog Bless You fan Rachel Nelken of Vancouver, British Columbia.

As Lucky aged and slowed down, the format of Dog Bless You changed, becoming a tribute to every dog. And Lucky had to retire from traveling.

Mr Annenberg misses Lucky at work.

"He was my partner on all these trips,'' he said. "It's not the same. He would open the door and make me look good. People always stopped and petted him. Everyone wanted to keep Lucky, especially the coal miners. Isn't it interesting that every day was a new day for Lucky? And he just wanted to be petted? It's been a great ride.''



狗狗的善和忠,真的能改變很多人的一生,它們讓人變得越來越善,也讓那些惡人自慚形穢 -夏奈爾- 給 夏奈爾 發送悄悄話 夏奈爾 的博客首頁 (18 bytes) () 08/28/2013 postreply 11:14:29

4d:狗狗的善和忠,真的能改變很多人的一生,它們讓人變得越來越善,也讓那些惡人自慚形穢 -hujian- 給 hujian 發送悄悄話 hujian 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2013 postreply 21:43:33

大愛無疆! -wxcclone- 給 wxcclone 發送悄悄話 wxcclone 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2013 postreply 16:15:02

-Churchill- 給 Churchill 發送悄悄話 Churchill 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2013 postreply 16:50:48

溫馨而感人的故事!祝福lucky和他的主人! -Rocky'sMom- 給 Rocky'sMom 發送悄悄話 Rocky'sMom 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2013 postreply 19:37:10

幸運的的金毛犬,超有愛心的慈善家主人!謝謝小花襖媽媽的分享! -CatinGrey- 給 CatinGrey 發送悄悄話 CatinGrey 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/29/2013 postreply 06:40:11



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