俺家的旺旺WonWon and our 村兒裏的孩子S --Summer Time in Lake Tahoe

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Where I live in Tahoe, we have a dog socialization time--every day afternoon from 4:00 PM to when ever..  All of these dogs are off leach and playing together at the beach in Summer time, and in Park during winter.  A great time for all parents(neighbors)getting to know each other, and keeping up in touch.  Here are a few pictures that Wonwon and his neighbors.



幸福的村裏娃嗬,俺們人都沒有beach嗬嗬 -我也有話說- 給 我也有話說 發送悄悄話 我也有話說 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/04/2013 postreply 14:16:08

嗬嗬, LOL: Indeed,very true---幸福的村裏娃嗬! -pv1630- 給 pv1630 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/04/2013 postreply 14:21:38

羨慕啊,俊俏的旺旺可以和小朋友們在湖裏盡情的戲水!好幸福~~ -貓眯媽- 給 貓眯媽 發送悄悄話 貓眯媽 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/04/2013 postreply 14:29:44

+1 羨慕啊,俊俏的旺旺可以和小朋友們在湖裏盡情的戲水!好幸福~~ -潘小咪- 給 潘小咪 發送悄悄話 潘小咪 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/04/2013 postreply 15:36:55

旺旺和小狗友們玩的好開心,村裏的娃娃幸福指數高啊。 -corgi- 給 corgi 發送悄悄話 corgi 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/04/2013 postreply 14:55:59

太幸福了! 狗狗們玩得真是開心,看著都舒服~ -陳默- 給 陳默 發送悄悄話 陳默 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/04/2013 postreply 18:15:54

好乖巧的旺旺,看不到video :( -wxcclone- 給 wxcclone 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/04/2013 postreply 18:20:02

Sorry, I always have troubles to attach the video to WXC--about -pv1630- 給 pv1630 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/04/2013 postreply 20:28:50

旺旺的日子過得太幸福了,寶寶好羨慕噢 -BaoBao'sMom- 給 BaoBao'sMom 發送悄悄話 BaoBao'sMom 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/04/2013 postreply 22:07:23

Dogs from Tohoe living in paradise~~~ Wonwon is a supar star amo -sc2008- 給 sc2008 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/05/2013 postreply 09:38:27

旺旺真幸福啊,玩水也有玩伴,這日子過得真不錯呢! -wqing- 給 wqing 發送悄悄話 wqing 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/05/2013 postreply 11:52:36

陽光燦爛,水清沙平,狗娃們快活,這日子真養眼啊! -小矮人COCO- 給 小矮人COCO 發送悄悄話 小矮人COCO 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/05/2013 postreply 13:27:18

回複:俺家的旺旺WonWon and our 村兒裏的孩子S --Summer Time in Lake Tahoe -vineyard5230- 給 vineyard5230 發送悄悄話 (37 bytes) () 08/05/2013 postreply 13:56:11

Oh,South Tahoe(town called: Zephyr Cove, and 村兒is Skyland-it's a -pv1630- 給 pv1630 發送悄悄話 (418 bytes) () 08/05/2013 postreply 17:54:52

xmjd -Churchill- 給 Churchill 發送悄悄話 Churchill 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/06/2013 postreply 08:52:02

孩子們玩得真高興,片片拍得也好 -JJmom831- 給 JJmom831 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/06/2013 postreply 13:49:33



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