Some other potential problems are more serious. One of the biggest worries is that frequent stimulation of the immune system can increase the risk of “immune-mediated diseases”. These are diseases caused when the body’s immune cells attack normal body cells. There is a theory that in rare cases, over-vaccination can over-stimulate immune cells, which go haywire and start attacking everything, including normal body cells. Keep in mind that there are many causes of immune-mediated diseases.
但是以上信息並不是來自於權威的網站,隻能讓你了解過於頻繁的防疫針會引來什麽後果。注射疫苗現在已經稱為了一個有爭議的話題,World Small Animal Veterinary Association這個組織從2010年開始考慮減少犬類核心疫苗的種類和注射頻率。