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我知道,一個人的力量太渺小了,不可能改變現實,但是如果能為可憐的動物們做點什麽,自己的 心靈也會也許會有一絲安慰。




--- On Thu, 3/16/06, Jennifer Brown <*****rown@wspausa.org> wrote:

From: Jennifer Brown <*****rown@wspausa.org>

Subject: RE: Attn: WSPAUSA -- Abuse of animals in China

To: "m"

Received: Thursday, March 16, 2006, 3:44 PM

Dear K. & M. ,

Thank you for your e-mail and for contacting the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA). It is obvious that you are very passionate about animal welfare- as are we at WSPA. I assure you that WSPA is well aware of all of the issues that you mention in your e-mail, as well as other animal welfare issues in China.

I am not sure how familiar you are with WSPA, but our organization works to help animals around the world. We have 14 offices around the world, including an office in Bangkok that focuses on animal welfare issues in China. We also have a network on 663 member societies in 142 countries, including 5 member societies in China. Lastly, we also have a global network of members who support WSPA's work and keep us informed about the latest animal welfare issues around the world.

For example, when the latest "crush" video from China came out on the Internet, I received (and continue to receive) several e-mails from supporters and concerned public in countries around the world. WSPA offices around the world received so many inquiries about it that our headquarters office put out an e-mail addressing the issue. Worldwide media outlets have also received numerous inquiries about this video and the websites that feature it.

As you no doubt are aware, media groups and others in China are attempting to locate the woman in the video and take action against this video. Unfortunately there is not much that animal groups can do against the woman since China has no laws regarding cruelty to animals. However, the International Fund for Animals (IFAW) is investigating and writing a letter to the government of China. Although this will come as little consolation, after examining the pictures, the general consensus at WSPA is that the kitten in the video was either dead or sedated before the woman stepped on it. Regardless, this video is still horrifying, and the fact that the woman can get away with it because there are no animal cruelty laws in China is extremely disheartening.

WSPA has been working for years to promote animal welfare legislation in China, where as you know, many of the worst animal welfare offenses occur. Currently WSPA is working to bring an end to the practice of bear bile farming throughout China, and we are also working on behalf of farm, domestic, and wild animals throughout China and Asia. To read about WSPA's campaigns for animals in China, please visit the following web pages: http://www.wspa-international.org/site/index.php?page=44; http://www.wspa-international.org/site/index.php?page=34; http://www.wspa-international.org/site/index.php?page=1465.

I hope this information is helpful, and please feel free to contact me again if you have any other concerns or questions about WSPA's work.

Thank you again for caring about animals,

Jennifer Brown

Supporter Liaison


34 Deloss Street

Framingham, MA 01702

Tel # 1800-883-9772

Fax # 508-620-0786

Direct # 508-879-8350, ext.#31

Email: *****rown@wspausa.org

Web Site: www.wspa-usa.org

P.S. Love Animals? Click on the link below to sign up for WSPA's free email newsletter for the latest on international animal welfare issues.


-----Original Message-----

From: m.[mailto:m.s@yahoo.com]

Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 8:11 PM

To: wspa

Subject: Attn: WSPAUSA -- Abuse of animals in China

We are writing to bring to your attention several horrific practices that are occurring in China involving the inhumane treatment, sadistic torture, and murder of animals.

These practices include, but are not limited to:

the barbaric treatment of animals -- especially cats and dogs -- that are being captured, imprisoned, and brutally murdered for use in the restaurant industry.

the production and distribution of so-called "animal snuff videos" produced in China and distributed/sold via the Internet, in which cats, dogs, and other animals, are brutally and sadistically killed by participating humans.

the apparently widespread mistreatment and abuse of all types of animals by pet owners and other individuals.

Please refer to the links below for articles that include additional information, examples, and shocking photographs that illustrate the above atrocities.








We are outraged that a country like China would allow these activities to happen. We want to make sure that your organization is aware of these practices, and we encourage you to take steps that will help to eliminate them.

In particular, we feel strongly that actions must be taken to pressure to establish and enforce laws that will prevent this horrific treatment of animals in China.

Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.


k & m


----- Forwarded Message -----

Dear K & M,

Thank you for contacting us. I apologise for the delayed response.

Many dogs and cats are raised as "fur" and "food" animals in China and are kept in horrific conditions, as you know. You may have heard about the HSUS undercover investigation some years ago that exposed the truth about the China dog/cat fur industry. As a result of that investigation and lobbying, there is now a ban on the import of dog and cat fur into the US.

However, the consumption of dogs and cats is still practiced in China. It is a practice they mark as “cultural” as they have been doing it for hundreds if not thousands of years. Education and raising the status of dogs and cats as pets in China has the most promise in changing this cruel cycle. Animals Asia is an international animal protection organization that works on this issue in China. They have several programs that aim to enhance the status of dogs and cats, such as their Dr. Dog program. You can learn more about their work in China on their website:


I hope this information proves helpful to you. Again, thank you for your concern and compassion for animals.


Carly Ikuma

Program Assistant

Humane Society International

2100 L Street, NW

Washington, DC 20037

Tel +1 (202) 452-1100 x7780

Fax + 1(301) 258-3082


謝謝您為國內苦難的動物們說話!我們一起努力! -Fuwa_new- 給 Fuwa_new 發送悄悄話 Fuwa_new 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2013 postreply 18:21:18

謝謝!我們一齊努力! -一枝丁香地- 給 一枝丁香地 發送悄悄話 一枝丁香地 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2013 postreply 20:39:04

謝謝丁香mm! 讓我們一起努力! -Rocky'sMom- 給 Rocky'sMom 發送悄悄話 Rocky'sMom 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2013 postreply 19:19:37

謝謝Rocky's Mom! 那次看了圖片後,那麽做也真的是為了讓自己好受一點。 -一枝丁香地- 給 一枝丁香地 發送悄悄話 一枝丁香地 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2013 postreply 21:31:53

謝謝你的努力,道路是曲折地,前途是光明地,大家齊努力! -HappyDogMom- 給 HappyDogMom 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2013 postreply 19:24:23

謝謝你加油!這兩天大家談論國內動物立法,才想起我email裏的這兩封郵件。 -一枝丁香地- 給 一枝丁香地 發送悄悄話 一枝丁香地 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2013 postreply 20:54:57

頂你,加油! -whiteflower- 給 whiteflower 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2013 postreply 22:09:23

謝謝你的支持! -一枝丁香地- 給 一枝丁香地 發送悄悄話 一枝丁香地 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2013 postreply 23:25:42

-hujian- 給 hujian 發送悄悄話 hujian 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2013 postreply 22:17:09

謝謝你! -一枝丁香地- 給 一枝丁香地 發送悄悄話 一枝丁香地 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2013 postreply 23:26:48

06年到現在,7年過去了,希望趕緊能出台動物法。不然還不知道會有多少傷害。 -夾心餅幹11- 給 夾心餅幹11 發送悄悄話 夾心餅幹11 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2013 postreply 22:17:14

是呀,我是年年盼,年年失望。不知立法這條路還要走多長。希望盡快聽到福音。 -一枝丁香地- 給 一枝丁香地 發送悄悄話 一枝丁香地 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/05/2013 postreply 23:32:40

感謝! 支持! 加油! -JJmom831- 給 JJmom831 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/06/2013 postreply 07:12:46

謝謝!大家互相支持吧。 -一枝丁香地- 給 一枝丁香地 發送悄悄話 一枝丁香地 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/06/2013 postreply 10:33:11

謝謝你!好心的丁香妹! -胖胖MM- 給 胖胖MM 發送悄悄話 胖胖MM 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/06/2013 postreply 11:19:56

不用謝。相信大家都是善良的心。 -一枝丁香地- 給 一枝丁香地 發送悄悄話 一枝丁香地 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/06/2013 postreply 12:18:10

謝謝你,真的好感謝你,請繼續為立法呼籲吧! -huyaa- 給 huyaa 發送悄悄話 huyaa 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/06/2013 postreply 11:42:19

我真的沒有做什麽,當時心裏憋的慌,隻想喊出來。我把照片收集起來,LD發的文。 -一枝丁香地- 給 一枝丁香地 發送悄悄話 一枝丁香地 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/06/2013 postreply 12:21:35



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