
In the midst of the haze There comes a maze Often and open Tiny but shiny Via the vast A breathing night Soundly sleeps in the floating fragrance Of the pregnant roses So prime Yet a bit shy I went closer and asked "Why are you so quiet?" They answered "We are composing for an octonary dance For those who are murmuring in the sky Twinkling with giggles" "Go on, go on“,I said ”Let me know when you're done" ...... It was not long Before they turned around Humming a prelude Of a finished song "We are the ladies of Renaissance Chanteuses of chansons" "We'd like to present you An Uruguayan Candombe" "Would you join us In such a joyful time" No pianos no verses Only my parlor guitar and their folk drums Once the Chico Twice the Mano Late jumped in the Palo Set off the echo In such a tempo Very Afro Up in the far above Stars started scattering By the moon-lit river bank Red roses responded: Here we are All out To welcome The new birth of a morning dawn 不好意思,有空會作翻譯。 注: octonary:和rondeau同屬一類,ortonary為八行”樂詩“。最早出現在聖經裏;後者是十行;八行為簡短型,尤其入樂後,需要擇段重複以完成整個樂曲的行走訴說。這二類都應該屬於”帶韻“的詩文,不簡單地就是八行和十行的樣子。 Uruguayan Candombe:烏拉圭盛行的“崗東貝”音樂,2、4拍為主;兼有山地(jungle)水域(delta:三角洲平原)雙重結合的成份。 Chico:齊扣:高調小音鼓,指擊為主; Mano:曼努:雙掌擊鼓,聲音屬於低沉宏隆類; Palo:帕嘍:棍棒擊鼓,類似爵士鼓。三個鼓加在一起,輔以一到兩架鋼琴是Candombe的主要形式; Afro:非洲型鼓樂樣式,屬於山地叢林樂,後成為藍調的基礎之一。

