fiscally conservative. We are willing to pay more to reduce deficit, more revenue for education, a stronger middle class tax base that will in turn make rich pay less.
I am ok with deficit spending during bad time, hate Republic for blowing up deficit When the economy is GOOD. They hijacked Americans with human greed of not willing to pay more tax when necessary, thereby pushing the country to the brink of bankruptcy.
The polarisation of poor and rich has increased tremendously. The rich has benefited from years of government deregulation for the WS alikes. The Market crash over the past few days also shows how important to regulate those Jewish donors to Mitt.
時代的脈搏就是困難時容易偏右。所以巴馬連任對米國是好事。等中產起來,自然會由Repub 再上幫富人。這樣才能整體進步。
BTW: CA prop 30 passed easily, so higher income tax on the way for the rich and famous, higher sales tax for everyone.
Like last statement. We don't just talk about being
In last 10 years,to my memory, CA had budget short fall all the
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11/10/2012 postreply
It could have been much worse w/out needed tax revenue.
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11/10/2012 postreply
now it will be easier, dem has 2/3 in both chambers.
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11/10/2012 postreply
no tax prop needed
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11/10/2012 postreply
Even churches asked for goers to vote for both Props 30 and 38.
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11/10/2012 postreply
Actually I do have child in school, and I work for school
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11/10/2012 postreply
Then mis-management is different issue. U C systems and my kid
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11/10/2012 postreply
not only mismanagement, it is the state policy issue. The curren
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11/10/2012 postreply
哈哈哈!Funny! it is pay back time then! Considering we
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11/10/2012 postreply
Good to know your perspective.. Will most tax revenue local?
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11/10/2012 postreply
The increased tax as you called needed tax apparent doesn't stop
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11/10/2012 postreply
Not up to U or Me buddy. People have spoken, at least
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11/10/2012 postreply