Technology wise, Russian missiles may be the most powerful and

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回答: 美國的洗腦術寒江孤影2018-10-27 12:20:26
destructive, covering each corner of this planet. President Putin is a smart guy knowing how to achieve his strategic objectives by using the most effective way - ballistic missiles equipped with nuke warheads. Nobody can compete with Russians in this matter.

Fortunately, this technology has been improved with the guide of Prof. Dr. Qian XueSen and his students since he returned home from the USA in late 1950s. In particular, the so-called supersonic missiles may have already been equipped with the PLA Rocket Army, that may fly at 10 to 20 Mach carrying normal or nuke warheads. Of course, DF21D and D26 are well known middle range of ballistic missiles used for striking large moving targets from 2000 to 5500 km away, constituting a defense net with radius of such distance. This means that any moving targets from this range of distance from the coast are regarded as not in safe position.     


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