China should take an effective measure to moniter any transaction of over $10000 - a policy to control the money coming into and out of the country.
China RMB are only used in China, and the central bank has the authority to adopt any monetary policy as far as it benefits the economy of the country. So far, China is doing well in this matter greatly promoting the economic growth, living standard of people's life, and massive infrastructural construction. Maybe, only maybe, that China can do more stimulation in economy is to expand economic development in western parts, rural regions, and relatively underdevelopped regions of the country. Doing so will entirely and completely modernize China in one hand, and aslo remain the economic growth at relatively high speed or rate (e.g., 8 to 10%) to another 2 to 3 decades ahead.
The USA is a different system, prioritizing the high-level groups in its economic policy making or a market-oriented economy - that is controlled by these groups that have the capitals and instinctively chase any more profitable economic projects. For example, they would put the money in other countries to make more money, rather than invest in physical economy in US to benefit most Americans (that makes money slow or cannot money). In theory, this is great in terms of economic developement, but in reality it creates more problems. Look at what the problems facing America are so enomous and severe that seem to be unsolvable - deep debts at all levels of society (personal, corporations, governments), trade deficits, government deficits, and poor physical economy. These put America in a dangerous situation - economic collapse! Financial crisis will take place every 7 to 10 years as a normal. Maybe, only maybe, that Presisent-elect Mr. Trump has new thinking to handle these problems will make America great again.