She seems to ignore too many facts happening in China.
See the facts I listed below to respond to the post by Zhuozhuo.
1. Owership of housings in China has reached 85% as a whole, higher than that in the country you are living.
2. Physical economy of China is bigger than the sum of G7 countries combined, including the country you are living.
3. Steel production in China is bigger than the sum of the rest of world, including the place you live if you do not live in China currently.
4. China produced over 30 million automibile units last year, higher that the sum of the States, Japs and Germany!
5. Less than 20% population of the world, China produced over 50% materialized goods all the people for this planet including yourself.
6. During the spring festival month last year, ~6 trillion people/time were transported from place A to B by the most advanced transportation systems in China (e.g., high-speed rails, express ways, conveinient waters). Think about how much GDP were created in that month alone?
7. China has 1.4 billion mobile phones users. How much GDP are created?
Many more can be listed.