I cannot agree with you at all.

本文內容已被 [ panlm_ ] 在 2014-11-11 09:04:51 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

Chinese people are conservative, and consumed about ~1/4 of energy American used per capita in 2013, suggesting that there is a room to improve in terms of energy consumption for Chinese in order to escalate standard of living. However, I have noted that China physical GDP per capita is about 51% of the US, indicating on average China's energy efficiency is 50% higher than the US. Americans use too muchmore  energy than Chinese do.

Renewable energy would a new way for the future, so there is worry about running out of fossil energy. China is now the leader in the new energy innovation, and will have produced adquate electric vehicles for demand of people! 
