
來源: sound.... 2004-02-03 12:49:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (541 bytes)
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回答: 選擇音響係統的一些體會小爬蟲2004-02-02 14:07:00
The only good thing for bose is their size.
Normaly, the bigger, heavier the better sound.
But, bose can make such small speaker and sound good,
it's remarkable. But, if you compire with other big
famous brand, you'll found the sound for bose is not
very clear and rich. The bose unit for bose can only
push to 50Hz. If you do not care about the size, spend
same amount of money you can get better sound with other
brand. Another, good thing for bose is you can found tons of people sell bose -- you may get good deal



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