Jiang? Several days ago I listened to the 'Tu Lu Fan de Pu Tao -- by Dao Lang' the first time and really touched by it. (if I remamber correctly it was your post). After that I start search info on Internet about Dao Lang and found 'Xi Yu Qing Ge', I lisened it many times, it is just so good.....beautiful music of my beautiful faraway hometown.
Same feeling. Are you from Xin
回複:Same feeling. Are you from Xin
(5385 bytes)
04/13/2004 postreply
回複:Same feeling. Are you from Xin
(5383 bytes)
04/13/2004 postreply
回複:回複:Same feeling. Are you from Xin
(8489 bytes)
04/14/2004 postreply
回複:Same feeling. Are you from Xin
(8401 bytes)
04/14/2004 postreply
回複:回複:Same feeling. Are you from Xin
(8440 bytes)
04/14/2004 postreply