
本帖於 2006-07-25 23:37:19 時間, 由普通用戶 書童 編輯

忙碌 06-29-2006

Busy, busy, busy, that is my life. Busy with work, busy with kids, busy with family...

It is a hectic clinic. Phones ring off the hook all the time. It comes to a point when I pick up the phones at home, clinic's name popps into my mind.

After work, it is kids time. I have to drive kids to their summer soccer camp, swimming classes, painting, piano, baskteball, 4-H... I am so tired that I sometimes almost want to fall asleep while I am driving.

As soon as I enter my house, it is endless housework. Clean the dirty dishes, clean the messy houses, load the clothes.... I do require kids to do chores at home. Becky and Cisco are the only ones who will do it right away. Daniel, Ivana and Tony take hours to finish their chores. Daniel does not like to wash dishes. He often pays Becky a dime to wash his dishes for him.

After I fnishe everything at home, I am really exhausted.

07-05-2006 晴

今天Bob 帶著孩子們去Kansas參加family reunion ,周末回來. 我和 Bob, 孩子們一一吻別, 揮手告別, 車一開走, 突然有一種悵然若失的感覺. 推開家門,是如此的冷靜, 沒有了往日孩子們嘻笑,打鬧的聲音.他們剛走,我就開始思念他們了, Cisco 的聰慧, Daniel的調皮,Becky的甜美, Ivana的可愛, Tony 的活潑. 還有,突然開始想起Bob的好來. 在家裏時,總喜歡和他爭吵, 吵的連我自己都不認識自己了,沒有了昔日的溫柔.所以這次決定呆在家裏,一個人好好的調整自己的心態,給自己放幾天假,什麽也不幹.

時間過得真快,我來美國轉眼14年了.從學生,到妻子,到母親,變化真大.看著孩子們一天天長大,給了我許多的快樂和幸福,當然也有不愉快的時候. 有時孩子們不聽話,不願意打掃他們的房間,書本玩具總是亂扔,房間總是亂糟糟的,看到我就心煩. 還有,Bob每天很晚才回家, 有時周末也上班. 真是marry to a doctor, marry to loneliness.

婚姻前的不同愛好,不同背景,不同文化,不同信仰,是好奇和吸引.可是婚後,卻成了爭吵的原因. Dr. Charles Lowery once said: "Opposites attract, but after marriage, opposites attack. Most of the time, we are attracted to people who don't have the things that we have.Incompatibility is why we get married, but it's also used as a reason to divorce. Incompatibility is just a lack of communication. If we just try to love [our spouse] the way we want to be loved, we are in trouble. Unless you communicate, it's difficult to know how to love another person. "

想想自己的行為,突然感到慚愧. 雖然我對孩子們耐心無比,可是我對Bob態度可以用上"惡劣". 隻要稍不滿意,就大發雷霆. 大概是吃多了辣椒. 我是個非常神經質的女人. Bob卻是個相當冷靜的人,也許和他的職業有關. 他總是不守時, 這讓我很煩惱.

Writing is really theraputical to me. I had better stop here for today.

... ...


回複斑斑:嚴重向各位好友推薦一本書:效率專家爸爸和媽媽 -微笑的魚- 給 微笑的魚 發送悄悄話 (28807 bytes) () 07/23/2006 postreply 21:44:13

回複:回複斑斑:嚴重向各位好友推薦一本書:效率專家爸爸和媽媽 -林貝卡- 給 林貝卡 發送悄悄話 林貝卡 的博客首頁 (167 bytes) () 07/23/2006 postreply 22:21:54

一口氣看完了...也長出了一口氣。 -shutong- 給 shutong 發送悄悄話 (30 bytes) () 07/24/2006 postreply 10:23:42

書童言: "感受家庭,感受煩瑣,感受幸福" -林貝卡- 給 林貝卡 發送悄悄話 林貝卡 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/24/2006 postreply 16:01:10

認認真真地學,謝謝林才女和書班主:))晚安 -大葉荷- 給 大葉荷 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/24/2006 postreply 18:14:19

晚安,大葉荷 -林貝卡- 給 林貝卡 發送悄悄話 林貝卡 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/24/2006 postreply 20:15:43
