
本帖於 2013-06-13 05:51:49 時間, 由版主 笑比哭好 編輯
回答: 老印真比老中強!翠羽2013-06-10 16:55:49

 I think cultural differences also play a role here.  Indian culture shares more similarities with US culture than Chinese culture does.  Of course, language, too, if you think what they speak is English.  It makes sense they are more likely to do better in US than Chinese. 

Chinese culture is much more reserved than Indian culture (at least I think so).  Our culture does not encourage speaking out or commingling.  Being brought up in this cultute, we tend to be shy and not very social.  And, as we all know now, being shy and isolated do not really help you to succeed in US. 
