
來源: ERommel 2011-03-18 19:09:58 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1436 bytes)
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回答: 一場地震引發的被宅rayray2011-03-18 16:17:06



Earlier on Friday, diplomatic sources in Vienna said data showed tiny amounts of radioactive particles that were believed to have come from Japan's stricken Fukushima plant.

The level of radiation was far too low to cause any harm to humans, they said. One diplomat, citing information from a network of international monitoring stations, described the material as "ever so slight," consisting of only a few particles.

"They are irrelevant," the diplomat added.

Another diplomatic source also said the level was very low.

The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization, a Vienna-based independent body for monitoring possible breaches of the test ban, has more than 60 stations around the world, including one in Sacramento in California.

They can pick up very small amounts of radioactive particles such as iodine isotopes.

"Even a single radioactive atom can cause them to measure something and this is more or less what we have seen in the Sacramento station," said the first diplomat, who declined to be identified.

He said the particles were believed to originate from the Fukushima plant, which has leaked radioactivity since being damaged by last week's massive earthquake and tsunami.





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