Heard '我不要你的承諾,不要你的永遠',不要找找零件,'原來你什麼都不要'嗎?

回答: 不怕您笑話,為這個哭太多回了:D阿小餅2009-12-19 20:29:46


Crying? i think you should, and crying very hard, so that may be able to wash off all that you have done on yourself, him and his family, friends, etc., all the people who care and love him dearly.

He had lost his Job, House, perhaps, including the 他為之奮鬥一生的 only chance in this life time, moving up in Beijing(?) as well , never even have to mention 靈魂上更久遠的代價, which can last many life times' long 蝕骨入髓。
