詳見: http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog.php?blogID=14750&refresh=1
1. Ever Since Darwin -- Reflection in Natural History (1977)
by Stephen Jay Gould (斯蒂芬8226;傑8226;古爾德)
中文譯本: 達爾文大震撼 – 聽聽古爾德怎麽說(注:可能還有別的譯名。下同。)
2. River out of Eden:A Darwinian view of life (1995)
by Richard Dawkins (理查德8226;道金斯, 1941- )
中文譯本: 伊甸園外的生命長河
3. The Origin of Humankind (1994)
by Richard Leakey (1944 - ?)
中文譯本: 人類傳奇
4. Being Human – Putting People in an Evolutionary Perspective (1993)
by Mary and John Gribbin (瑪麗8226;格裏賓和約翰8226;格裏賓)
中文譯本: 生而為人 – 從演化舞台中走來
5. Mapping Human History: Discovering the Past Through Our Genes
by Steve Olson (史蒂夫8226;奧森)
中文譯本: 人類基因的曆史地圖