


At the end of World War II, the Soviet Red Army committed widespread crimes in Manchuria (Northeast China) after invading the region in August 1945. These actions occurred after the Soviet Union launched Operation August Storm, a massive offensive against the Japanese-controlled puppet state of Manchukuo following Japan’s impending defeat.


Crimes Committed by the Soviet Army in North China:

1. Mass Rapes and Sexual Violence – Reports indicate that Soviet troops committed large-scale rape against Chinese, Korean, and even Japanese women in Manchuria. Similar to what happened in Germany and Eastern Europe, these abuses were widespread, especially in cities like Harbin, Changchun, and Shenyang.

2. Looting and Destruction – Soviet forces looted cities, factories, and infrastructure in Manchuria, stripping industrial equipment and sending it back to the USSR as war reparations. Many factories, including those built by the Japanese, were dismantled and transported to Siberia.

3. Violence Against Civilians – While targeting Japanese military personnel and settlers, Soviet troops also carried out executions, arbitrary killings, and mistreatment of Chinese civilians. Chaos followed as local authorities collapsed.

4. Kidnapping and Forced Labor – Some Japanese civilians, including women and children, as well as Chinese workers, were abducted and taken to the Soviet Union, where they were forced to work in labor camps for years.

5. Collaboration with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – The Soviet army provided weapons, equipment, and training to the Chinese Communist forces led by Mao Zedong, strengthening them in the upcoming Chinese Civil War (1946–1949) against the Nationalist government (Kuomintang).


Why Did These Crimes Happen?

The Red Army had a reputation for harsh behavior in occupied territories, as seen in Eastern Europe.

Revenge against Japan – The Soviets justified their actions as payback for Japan’s brutal invasion of Siberia in the early 1900s and its war crimes in China.

Lack of discipline – Soviet troops had little oversight in the chaotic final days of the war.



The Soviet occupation of Manchuria lasted until May 1946, when they handed control to the Chinese Communists, shaping the region’s future.

The Nationalist government of China condemned Soviet actions but was too weak to challenge them.

Many of these crimes were overshadowed by larger post-war conflicts, including the Chinese Civil War and the Cold War.


While Soviet wartime atrocities in Eastern Europe are well-documented, their actions in Manchuria remain less studied, partly due to Cold War politics and limited Chinese government acknowledgment of these events.
