- by winter of that year the war was again declared almost lost.
- From distant Tokyo, MacArthur seemed more interested in shifting blame for the looming American defeat to appeasers back home than in finding a way to salvage victory.
- The defeatism Ridgway found upon landing in Korea appalled him.
- there were no plans for counteroffensives—only contingencies for regrouping at Pusan or evacuating to Japan.
- the general who rallied a beaten Eighth Army from the brink of defeat in Korea in 1951.
- The defeatism ran from privates through sergeants all the way up to the generals. He was particularly appalled by the atmosphere in the Eighth Army’s main command post in Taegu. There they were talking about withdrawing from Korea, frantically planning how to avoid a Dunkirk.
- Ridgway’s reaction to this defeatism was drastic: He cabled the Pentagon that he wanted to relieve almost every division commander and artillery commander in EUSAK.