Here's the documentary about her death

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回答: 王友琴:女性的野蠻chufang2024-04-09 09:05:09

I just watched it yesterday because there's an article on NYT mentioned it.

It was very brutal and very sad. She had so many children, two girls and two boys. I cried, for those children and for her.

The insults those teenage girls put her, their former principle, were stunning. They called her female pig, put it in huge letters and pasted it in front of her bathroom. Someone commented on Youtube that she, the principle, had killed four others during a purge in 1947 on land owners. I don't know whether it's true or not. But it's possible.  What the communist party did to those people was evil and brainwashing. The leaders of this institution, such as Mao, were no less evil and cruel than the head of Nazis and their followers were like the SS, the storm troopers. 

I hate them, all of them,  the instigators and the perpetrators: Mao and his cohorts. It turned out they have destroyed the society and its morals. 




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